
This project was conceived and designed by Dr Thomas Rodgers who is currently the Discipline Head of Education in Chemical Engineering and a Reader in Chemical Engineering Education at the University of Manchester. For this project and specific pages Dr Rodgers would like to thank:

General Website Design: Philip Boulton

Liquid-Liquid Extraction (Interactive Ternary Design) implementation and coding: Dr Tamás Bánsági Jr., Philip Boulton, and Sharon Gardner.

Dr Percy van der Gryp for:


Please feel free to reuse any of the material on this website, through either directly linking it, or embedding the graphs (I use them directly embedded into Blackboard). If you look at the website coding then you will see this has been written in a way to allow this embedding.

To embed just a graph take the webaddress and remove query wrapper. For example, if you would like to embed just the interactive graph for the external reaction rate (https://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/tom.rodgers/interactive_graphs/reactors.html?reactors/external_mass_rate/index.html), then remove the "reactors.html?" and add to an iframe, such as:

<p style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="800" height="550" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" src="https://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/tom.rodgers/interactive_graphs/reactors/external_mass_rate/index.html"></iframe></p>

You may need to vary the width and height to make the graphs fit at the size you require. When embedding a graph please do reference, https://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/tom.rodgers/Interactive_graphs/index.html

More Information

For more information on other chemical engineering separation techniques please visit:

Advanced Engineering Separations Channel on YouTube.

For other general Chemical Engineering resources please visit:

Chemical Engineering Teaching Resources.