BOOK -- antinacionalizam
Antinacionalizam: etnografija otpora u Zagrebu i Beogradu. [Antinationalism: an ethnography of resistance in Zagreb and Beograd, transl. A Bajazetov] Beograd: XX Vek.
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This book is based on my doctoral research, centred on discursive practices of post-Yugoslav antinationalism, critically examining the value of the national idiom to understand the post-Yugoslav wars and highlighting the role of alternative articulations of differentiation amongst those who actively resisted the nationalism that claimed to represent them. Based on two years of ethnographic fieldwork in the capitals of Serbia and Croatia (1996-1998), it combines a poststructuralist framework to investigate the experience of nationality with Bourdieusian inspiration to analyse urban self-presentation, Balkanism, feminism and Jugonostalgija.