FastPTC - a program for measuring PTCs with a swept noise band. Details can be found here
Auditory Discrimination - A simple program for same/different auditory discrimination tasks - no instructions/help files yet
GapTest - a gap detection programme allows monotic, diotic or dichotic presentation of noise, with monaural or binaural presentation of gap - used in Baker, RJ; Jayewardene, D; Sayle, C and Saeed, S (on line 2007) 'Failure to find asymmetry in auditory gap detection', Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 13:1, 1 - 21. Current documentation is in the form of an out of date readme.pdf.
Permute - A simple program for putting lines of text in random order - simply paste or type the text into the edit box, hit the permute button, and then copy the text to wherever you want it!
Excel Audiogram - Excel file to enter and print audiograms (right-click & save to download)
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