PADLab: Equipment
As well as the standard equipment reqiured to conduct basic vision research (computing and display technology, stereo glasses etc.) we have a number of other dedicated research equipment systems

Eyelink 1000 Eye Tracker

The Eyelink 1000 system (SR Research) enables us to track horizontal and vertical eye position at sampling rates up to 1000Hz. We have used this system to conduct pursuit eye movement studies and also to ensure our participants are maintaining fixation when instructed to do so.

PHANTOM desktop force feedback device

The PHANTOM (Sensable technologies) allows us to simulate interaction with virtual objects. We are currently developing an experiment to test multi-sensory perception in individuals with Autistic Spectrum Condition.

Panasonic PT-CW230 stereo-ready projector

This projector can be used together with standard nvidia 3D eqiupment (emitter, glasses, video card) to enable large field of view stereo stimuli. In addition this model has a particularly short throw distance.

Coming Soon - Virtual Reality Suite

We are in the process of developing a high quality virtual reality (VR) suite comprising IR motion tracking and both HMD and active stereo glasses technologies.