Seafloor mapping sonar publications

Mitchell, N. C., and Somers, M. L., Quantitative backscatter measurements with a long-range side-scan sonar, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 14, 368-374, 1989.

Searle, R. C., LeBas, T. P., Mitchell, N. C., Somers, M. L., Parson, L. M. and Patriat, Ph., "GLORIA image processing: the state of the art" Marine Geophysical Researches, 12, 21-39, 1990.

Mitchell, N. C., Improving GLORIA images using Sea Beam data, J. Geophys. Res. 96, 337-351, 1991.

Mitchell, N. C., A model for attenuation of backscatter due to sediment accumulations and its application to determine sediment thickness with GLORIA sidescan sonar, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 22477-22493, 1993.

Mitchell, N. C., Comment on the mapping of iron-manganese nodule fields using reconnaissance sonars such as GLORIA, Geo-Mar. Letts. 13, 244-247, 1993.

Mitchell, N. C., and J. E. Hughes Clarke, Classification of seafloor geology using multibeam sonar data from the Scotian Shelf, Marine Geology, 121, 143-160, 1994.

Mitchell, N. C., and J. A. Spencer, An algorithm for finding routes for submarine cables or pipelines over complex bathymetry using Graph Theory, The Hydrographic Journal, 78, 29-32, 1995.

Mitchell, N. C., Representing backscatter fluctuations with a PDF convolution equation, and its application to study backscatter variability in side-scan sonar images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33, 1328-1331, 1995.

Mitchell, N. C., Processing and analysis of Simrad multibeam sonar data, Marine Geophysical Researches, 18, 729-739, 1996.

Mitchell, N. C., 1990, "The variation of backscatter with incidence angle for sonar data over MOR volcanics", pp. 175-179 in G.M. Purdy and G.J. Fryer (convenors): Proceedings of a Workshop on the Physical Properties of Volcanic Seafloor, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts, 24-26 April 1990.

Mitchell, N. C., "A sound idea for estimating sediment thickness?" Ocean Challenge, 3, 36- 39, 1992 (magazine published by the Challenger Society).

Hughes Clarke, J. E., Mayer, L. A., Mitchell, N. C., Godin, A., and Costello, G., "Processing and interpretation of 95 kHz backscatter data from shallow-water multibeam sonars", IEEE: Oceans '93 Proceedings, vol. II, 437-442, 1993.

Mitchell, N. C., "Attempts to determine acoustic attenuation in sediment drapes overlying rocky surfaces from sidescan sonar imagery", in N. G. Pace & D. N. Langhorne (eds), Acoustic classification and mapping of the seabed, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol. 15, Pt 2, 327-334, Institute of Acoustics, U.K., 1993.

Mitchell, N. C., and J. E. Hughes Clarke, "Characterising seafloor geology using Simrad EM1000 multibeam sonar", Oceanology International, Conference Proceedings, vol 2, Brighton, U.K., Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd, 1994.

Keeton, J. A., and Mitchell, N. C., "The interpretation of multibeam sonar images", BRIDGE Newsletter, volume 5, 1994.

Mitchell, N. C., McAllister, E., Flewellen, C., and Walker, C. (Convenors) "Sidescan sonar, A BRIDGE workshop", Workshop report, BRIDGE office, 1994. I included an appendix: "Methods to assist the sidescan sonar image interpretation" which reviews attempts at seabed classification and applications of underwater acoustics to image interpretation.

Bull, J. M., Mitchell, N. C., Minshull, T. A., and Dix, J. K., "Chirp sub-bottom profiling as a potential BRIDGE tool", BRIDGE Newsletter, 9, 42-43, 1995.

Escartin, J. , A. P. Slootweg, C. G. Flewellen, I. A. Rouse, R. C. Searle, N. C. Mitchell, P. A. Cowie, S. Allerton, C. J. MacLeod, S. M. Russel and T. Tanaka, The first TOBI swath bathymetry, BRIDGE Newsletter, 11, 28-29, 1996.

Schmitt, T, NC Mitchell and ATS Ramsay, Characterizing uncertainties for quantifying bathymetry change between time-separated multibeam echo-sounder surveys, Continental Shelf Research, in press.

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