Mike Prest


Conference in celebration of the work of Bill Crawley-Boevey, 1-10 September 2021.

Summer School and Workshop on Infinite-dimensional Representations of Finite-dimensional Algebras, Summer School 9-12 September 2015; Workshop 14-17 September 2015.

Conference in memory of Gena Puninski, 6-9th April, 2018.

When an undergraduate at the University of Aberdeen I became particularly interested in algebra (especially modules) and mathematical logic (especially model theory) and I was able to combine these in my postgraduate research at the University of Leeds.

Indeed, it turns out that model theory and module theory fit together very well and almost all my work has combined models, modules and abelian categories in varying proportions.

My more recent work has been mostly algebraic (though influenced by, using, and sometimes motivated by, model theory) and has centred around the Ziegler spectrum, in general and in the context of representations of finite-dimensional algebras. I have written a couple of books on all this, the earlier one emphasises the model theory, the later one concentrates on the algebra and makes much more use of functor-category-theoretic methods.

For these and more recent developments see my publications page.

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Page last modified: 20th October, 2021