Matt Sanderson

PhD Candidate, Power Networks CDT


Planning and Environmental Management,

School of Environment, Education and Development.

The University of Manchester


University email address:    

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ORCiD profile:                    

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Twitter handle:                              @complanres


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As you may have guessed, I am a PhD candidate at the University of Manchester.  My research is funded by UKRI through the EPSRC  as part of the University of Manchester’s Power Networks CDT.

My research project focusses on the topic of community perceptions of landscape and landscape impacts, and how this might be revealed through responses to engagement activities across a wide range of sectors.

I am also fortunate enough to be able to work as a Teaching Assistant at the University, both in a face-to-face role, and also working behind the scenes with module conveners in an admin and marking role.


You can find out more about my PhD project here.

You can read about other projects that I am involved in here.

This page gives details of articles and other work of mine that has been published.

And here are a collection of links that I would like to share with you.