The conclusions which he reached later concerning the racing of screws and the steering of screw-steamers, Paper 19 (1875), were largely based on pioneering experiments made with two models, one 2 feet 6 inches long driven by a spring and the other 5 feet 6 inches, driven by steam. He contended that
`the reversing of the screw of a vessel with full way on very much diminishes her steering-power,... so that where a collision is imminent, to reverse the screw and use the rudder as if the ship would answer to it in the usual manner is a certain way of bringing about the collision'.His model experiments indicated, moreover, that the influence of reversing the screw to turn the vessel independently of her rudder was most pronounced when the screw was not deeply submerged.
Reynolds went so far as to suggest, Paper 26 (1876), that models in the form of steam- launches should be used for training naval officers in the manoeuvring of ships. This proposal was not adopted, but Reynolds' views had aroused so much interest and concern that the British Association appointed a committee, with Reynolds as Secretary, to collect and examine evidence concerning the steering qualities of steamships. In addition to having tests made on actual ships, the Committee received reports from ships' masters who had carried out similar experiments on their own merchant vessels. Reynolds produced three detailed reports for the Committee on this work ( Papers 28, 32 and 37). In their 1878 Report, the British Association Committee affirmed that `the conclusions drawn by Professor Reynolds from experiments on models have been fully confirmed by the experiments on full-sized ships'.
Reynolds returned to the subject of ship-models some years later after a disaster had occurred with the St. Annes and Southport lifeboats. Within a week of this tragic occurrence, he read his paper `On Methods of Investigating the Qualities of Lifeboats' to the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Paper 54 (1886), in which he urged that scale-models should be used to test the sea-going qualities of lifeboats.
His proposal envisaged the use of a succession of stages, such that:
`on emerging from the moving passages the fluid shall not, as in the case of the ordinary turbine, have spent the whole or nearly the whole of its available pressure, but that it shall still have sufficient pressure to carry it through one or more additional sets of passages... that is to say, on emerging from the first moving passages, it shall again be received into other fixed passages, so that on being forced through them it shall emerge with a velocity of whirl or rotary motion round an axis - not necessarily the same as before - with a reduced pressure, and again be received into another set of moving passages from which it may emerge with no velocity of whirl... On emerging from the last set of passages the fluid will be allowed to flow away into such receptacle, channel or tail-race as may be provided'.
The first multi-stage, or `turbine pump' as it is rather ambiguously described, was successfully installed in Reynolds' own laboratories. Prototypes of his pumps and turbines are on display in the exhibition referred to earlier.
A.H. Gibson [6] has pointed out that in his 1875 patent specification, Reynolds anticipated both the multi-stage turbine of the Parsons type and the turbine with opposite rotation of the two elements as in the Ljungstrom turbine. About this time (1875-76), Reynolds did in fact experiment with a two-stage small radial-flow steam turbine with a wheel- diameter of 6 inches which ran at 12,000 revolutions per minute. While it worked successfully, its consumption of steam was high, probably because of relatively large losses between the blades and the casing.
Reynolds' first scale model was of the Mersey and covered the region between Liverpool Narrows and a point some distance below Runcorn; it had a flat bed and vertical sides representing the shape of the estuary at high tide; the horizontal scale was 2 inches to a mile (1/31800) and the vertical scale 1 inch to 80 feet (1/960), giving a vertical exaggeration of approximately 33:1. Tides were generated by a hinged tray at the seaward side of the model. Reynolds noticed that only one period - about 40 seconds - gave a correct imitation of the tidal phenomena in the actual Mersey: `a result', he says,
`that might have been foreseen from the theory of wave motions, since the scale of velocities varies as the square roots of the scales of wave heights, so that the velocities in the model which would correspond to the velocities in the channel would be as the square roots of the vertical scales ... and the ratios of the periods would be the ratio of horizontal scales divided by this ratio of velocities.'Reynolds had, therefore, established the rule that if the horizontal scale is 1/x and the vertical scale is 1/y, the logical corollary is that the velocity-scale should be 1/ûy and the time- scale for tidal periods ûy/x. This was a major advance and opened up great possibilities for modelling flow in rivers and estuaries.
In addition Reynolds astutely observed that his tide-generator also accurately shaped the sand he had placed in the model (to ensure the correct mean depth of water at high tide) to mirror the principal features of the natural estuary.
As a direct consequence of this he produced a larger version with a horizontal scale of 6 inches to a mile (1/10560) and a vertical scale of one inch to 33 feet (1/396) which underwent 6,000 tides. This model he showed to the British Association alongside charts of the real estuary and invited fellow members to note the `remarkable resemblance in the general features to the charts of the Mersey.' Reynolds went on:
`From my present experience in constructing another model, I should adopt a somewhat greater exaggeration of the vertical scale. In the meantime I have called attention to these results, because this method of experimenting seems to afford a ready means of investigating and determining beforehand the effects of any proposed estuary or harbour works; a means which, after what I have seen, I should feel it madness to neglect before entering upon any costly undertaking.'
In experiments exhibited at the meeting he used a glass tube of internal
diameter half an inch and length six inches drawn down to a neck in the
middle, something less than a tenth of an inch bore. Coupling one end
of this to the water main and inclining the open end downwards into a
vessel filled with water (see Figure 15), he proceeded to turn on the
water very slowly so as to fill the tube, then increased the flow until
at a particular velocity a distinct sharp hiss was heard. Reynolds
described the situation thus:
`as the bubbles of air and vapour would be carried with great velocity from the low pressure at the neck, where they formed, into the higher pressure in the wider portion of the expanding tube; so that the pressure being greater than the vapour tension, condensation would ensue and the bubbles would collapse...'Nowhere in the paper does Reynolds use the word `cavitation', yet both here and in his investigation of the racing of screw propellers, he was patently demonstrating his understanding of it.
Reynolds' early contributions on the effect of air on the rate of condensation of steam at a surface and on the extent and action of heating surfaces for steam boilers were followed after a gap of about ten years by detailed studies on the steam engine indicator and trials on a large triple expansion steam engine, culminating in 1897 in a classical experiment using that equipment to determine the mechanical equivalent of heat. The later studies highlight Reynolds' outstanding practical ability and his interest in experimentation using full scale engineering plant. His papers are to be found in both Volumes I and II of the Collected Works. Some were published by the Institution of Civil Engineers and others by the Royal Society.
`that in consequence of this effect of air it is necessary for the size of a surface- condenser for a steam-engine to increase very rapidly with the quantity of air allowed to be present within it; ... and that by mixing air with the steam before it is used, the condensation at the surface of a cylinder may be greatly diminished, and consequently the efficiency of the engine increased'.
`In lecturing on any subject, it seems to be a natural course to begin with a clear explanation of the nature, purpose, and scope of the subject. But in answer to the question "What is thermo-dynamics?" I feel tempted to reply "It is a very difficult subject, nearly, if not quite, unfit for a lecture".'Reynolds then proceeded to describe what he saw as the real difficulty in the appreciation of thermo-dynamics:
`It deals with a thing or entity (if I may so call heat) which, although we can recognise and measure its effects, is yet of such a nature that we cannot with any of our senses perceive its mode of operation.'To assist his audience in understanding the ideas involved he went on later to use a simple mechanical contrivance to demonstrate the problem of converting heat into work. It is indicative of his approach that not a single equation or even a mathematical symbol appears anywhere in his paper.
In his address he defined the purpose of the engines as two-fold; (i) to afford students practice in making the many measurements involved in steam engine-trials, to give them an insight into the action of the steam and the mechanical components and to familiarize them with good design; (ii) to supply a means of research by which the knowledge of the steam- engine could be extended.
The detailed design and the construction of the engines and the boiler were undertaken by Messrs. Mather and Platt, whose `zeal and liberality' Reynolds gratefully acknowledged. It was decided to have the three engines on separate brakes and that these should be hydraulic devices rather than ones dependent on mechanical friction.
William Froude had earlier developed a radically new design for a
compact hydraulic brake for determining the power of large engines.
Accordingly, Reynolds tested a 4-inch diameter model of the new design.
He found that when the speed exceeded a certain limit, the brake
partially emptied itself of water and the resistance correspondingly
decreased. To overcome this defect, Reynolds had radial holes drilled
through the metal of the fixed vanes in such a way as to maintain the
water in the brake at atmospheric pressure or above it under all
conditions of operation. Having tested this idea out using his model,
Reynolds adopted it successfully on the 18-inch wheels which became the
hydraulic brakes for his three-cylinder steam engine. The dynamometer
is illustrated in Figure 17.
This classic investigation was described in great detail in
Paper 66,
the Bakerian Lecture to the Royal Society in May 1897. The apparatus is
shown in Plate 1. Plate 2 shows the brake and some associated
equipment. One of the striking features of the study is the thorough
consideration given to the circumstances which might affect the accuracy
of the results. Twenty-five possible sources of error are tabulated,
together with an assessment of the limits of relative errors to which
they could give rise.
Five years earlier, in 1892, Reynolds had produced a brilliant biography
for the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society simply entitled
`Memoir of James Prescott Joule' [7], but
his re-determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat perhaps
represented the ultimate tribute Reynolds was able to pay to him.
A number of his papers on these themes were published in The Engineer. His pioneering work on rolling friction was presented to the Royal Society as was his collaborative work on repeated stresses and fatigue.
Paper 9 `The causes of the racing of the engines of screw steamers investigated theoretically and by experiment'. Institution of Naval Architects, Trans., 1873. Back
Paper 10 `On the condensation of a mixture of air and steam upon cold surfaces'. Royal Society, Proceedings, No. 144, 1873. Back
Paper 14 `On the extent and action of the heating surface of steam boilers'. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Proceedings, Vol. 14, Session 1874-5. Back
Paper 17 `On the efficiency of belts or straps as communicators of work'. The Engineer, Nov. 27, 1874. Back
Paper 18 `On rolling friction'. Royal Society, Phil. Trans., Vol. 166, Pt. 1. Back
Paper 19 `On the steering of screw-steamers'. British Association Report, 1875. Back
Paper 20 `Improvements in turbines and centrifugal pumps'. Specification of Patent No. 724, 1875. Back
Paper 26 `On the investigation of the steering qualities of ships'. British Association Report, 1876. Back
Paper 28 `On the effect of propellers on the steering of vessels'. British Association Report, 1877. Back
Paper 32 `On the steering of screw steamers'. Report of the Committee, consisting of James R. Napier, F.R.S., Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S., J.T. Bottomley and Osborne Reynolds, F.R.S. (Secretary), appointed to investigate the effect of Propellers on the Steering of Vessels. British Association Report, 1878. Back
Paper 37 `On the steering of ships'. British Association Report, 1880. Back
Paper 41 `On the fundamental limits to speed' I, II, III and IV. The Engineer, Oct. 28, 1881; Nov. 18, 1881; Dec. 9, 1881; March 17, 1882. Back
Paper 47 `On the general theory of thermo-dynamics'. Institution of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, November 15, 1883. Back
Paper 53 `On the flow of gases', Philosophical Magazine, March 1886. Back
Paper 54 `On methods of investigating the qualities of lifeboats'. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Proceedings, Vol. 26, Session 1886-87. Back
Paper 55 `On certain laws relating to the regime of rivers and estuaries, and on the possibility of experiments on a small scale'. British Association Report, 1887. Back
Paper 56 `On the triple-expansion engines and engine-trials at the Whitworth Engineering Laboratory, Owens College, Manchester'. Institution of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, 1889-90. Back
Paper 57 `Report of the committee appointed to investigate the action of waves and currents on the beds and foreshores of estuaries by means of working models'. British Association Report, 1889. Back
Paper 58 `Second report of the committee appointed to investigate the action of waves and currents on the beds and foreshores of estuaries by means of working models'. British Association Report, 1890. Back
Paper 59 `Third report of the committee appointed to investigate the action of waves and currents on the beds and foreshores of estuaries by means of working models'. British Association Report, 1891. Back
Paper 63 `Experiments showing the boiling of water in an open tube at ordinary temperatures'. British Association, Section A, 1894. Back
Paper 66 `Bakerian Lecture - On the mechanical equivalent of heat'. Joint paper with W.H. Moorby. Royal Society, Phil. Trans., London, 1897. Back
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