Dr Jay Taylor
Neumann Fellow

Math 125 - Calculus I (Fall 16)

Undergraduate Course
University of Arizona
see here for more details
16 weeks (3 lectures per week lasting 50 minutes each)
Mon/Wed/Fri at 2:00pm in BIO W 237

Useful Links

Office Hours

The following office hours will be in effect from Monday August 22 until Friday December 9. There will be no office hours on public holidays.

If you need to see me outwith these office hours then please make an appointment by email.


We will be using Calculus Single Variable, Sixth Edition by Hughes-Hallett et al., published by Wiley.


We aim to cover the material in Sections 1.1 through 7.1 (inclusive) of the textbook.


This course uses a computer grading program called WebAssign for problems assigned from the text. You will need to create an account on WebAssign; it is recommended that you do this as soon as possible. You will have a 14-day grace period (from the first day of class) before you need to purchase/submit your access code for this class. It is recommended that you utilise this full grace period until you confirm that you will carry on with the course.

After creating an account with WebAssign you will need to enroll in your specific class. Do this by clicking on Enter Class Key and entering the following key:

Note: Only use this key if you are enrolled in section 05 of the course.

Purchasing Textbook & WebAssign

When you purchase a WebAssign account you will also be granted an electronic version of the book which can be accessed through WebAssign. Alternatively, you can also purchase a physical textbook from the UA Bookstore on campus. If you do this then the book will come with a code for WebAssign, so you will not need to additionally pay for WebAssign. However if you buy the book from another retailer, or second hand, then you will likely still need to pay for WebAssign as well.