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lecture 8: course work

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By now the Advanced Web Techniques course work has been published on the ACOM course work web page. As ever, do read the specification closely so you know what you are being asked to do.

Unlike the Web Design Core course work, however, very few limitations are placed on you. You are expected to make a submission that includes the following compulsory techniques:

  • an image map
  • a multipart image
  • a rollover or some other application of JavaScript
  • a form (see lecture 9)
  • at least one of the advanced navigation techniques mentioned in lecture 10.

Other than that, though, you have total freedom to write a site which creatively uses these techniques to do anything you want. You may try and combine them all on one page, or present them entirely separately. Your site could be serious or frivolous. What you're being marked on is how creative and original you are, and (importantly) how appropriate your use of the technique is. Some more suggestions, and marking criteria, are given on the full course work specification.

Ultimately this is intended to be an enjoyable course work - one you can work on with considerably fewer restrictions than is normal in a university assessment. So make the most of it - and surprise me...

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