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Read the story in the window and then see if you can guess where the ghost is hiding... when you think you know, place your mouse over that bit of the picture to see if you are right!

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Technical notes. This is easier to code than you might think, though it took a few goes to get all the pictures the right size. It uses the multipart images technique. There are five images here. The bottom row of the table consists of two; the left-hand one which changes (there - now I've told you where the ghost is...) and the main right-hand one which doesn't. (Making only part of the image roll over is a considerable time-saver on download, though I've used the preloading images technique anyway). The top three rows of the table are all just one cell wide; the first and third rows are just standard images, but the second is actually a background image. The cell actually contains a <textarea> tag with the "fairy tale" text within it. View the source to see how it's all coded.

Top of image
Centre of image
Bottom of image Bottom of image