In this section we will prove the strong law of large numbers.
For all $0 \le p \le 1$ the set \[ \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \lim_{N \to \infty} \dfrac{| \{ 1 \le n \le N : x(n) = 1 \}|}{N} = p \right\} \] has full measure with respect to $\mu_p$.
Fix $0 \le p \le 1$. Define a function $Y_n : \{0,1\}^\N \to \R$ by \[ Y_n(x) = x(n) - p \] for each $n \in \N$. If $x \in \{0,1\}^\N$ satisfies \[ \lim_{N \to \infty} \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} = 0 \] then we have \[ \lim_{N \to \infty} \dfrac{x(1) + \cdots + x(N)}{N} = p \] so it suffices to work with the $Y_n$. We could work throughout with function $Z_n(x) = x(n)$ but it is slightly more convenient - and often done - to work with the functions $Y_n$ instead. The main advantage of $Y_n$ is that is has zero integral. We can check this directly because \[ Y_n = 1_{T^{n-1}[1]} - p \] is a simple function and therefore has integral \[ \mu_p(T^{n-1}([1])) - p = p-p = 0 \] as claimed.
We want to show that the set \[ B = \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \lim_{N \to \infty} \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \ne 0 \right\} \] has zero measure. First note that \[ B = \bigcup_{r \in \N} \bigcap_{M \in \N} \bigcup_{N \ge M} \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \] so we must show for every $r \in \N$ that \[ \bigcap_{M \in \N} \bigcup_{N \ge M} \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \] has zero measure with respect to $\mu_p$. The following lemma will give us a way to do this.
Let $(X,\B,\nu)$ be a measure space with $\nu(X) = 1$. For any sequence $A_1,A_2,\dots$ in $\B$ the convergence \[ \sum_{n=1}^\infty \nu(A_n) \l \infty \] implies \[ \bigcap_{M \in \N} \bigcup_{N \ge M} A_N \] has zero measure.
By subadditivity we can calculate that \[ \nu \left(\, \bigcup_{N \ge M} A_N \right) \le \sum_{N=M}^\infty \nu(A_N) \to 0 \] as $N \to \infty$. Since \[ M \mapsto \bigcup_{N \ge M} A_N \] is a decreasings sequence of sets and $\nu(X) = 1$ the result follows from continuity of measures.▮
Returning to the strong law of large numbers, it suffices by the Borel-Cantelli lemma to prove that \[ N \mapsto \nu_p \left( \, \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \right) \] is summable. Fix $r \in \N$ and $N \in \N$.
Fix a measure space $(X,\B,\nu)$ with $\nu(X) = 1$ and fix a measurable function $f : X \to [0,\infty)$. Then \[ \nu( \{ x \in X : f(x) \ge s \}) \le \dfrac{1}{s} \int f \intd \nu \] for every $s \ge 0$.
This is nothing other than the fact that \[ 0 \le s \cdot 1_{\{ x \in X : f(x) \ge s \}} \le f \] and monotonicity of the integral.▮
Applying Markov's inequality to our set gives us \[ \begin{aligned} & \mu_p \left(\, \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \right) \\ \le {} & r \int \left| \dfrac{Y_1 + \cdots + Y_N}{N} \right| \intd \mu_p \\ \le {} & \dfrac{r}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N \int |Y_n| \intd \mu_p \end{aligned} \] for all $N \in \N$. However \[ |Y_n| = (1-p) \cdot 1_{T^{n-1}[1]} + p \cdot 1_{T^{n-1}[0]} \] so our upper bound above is just \[ \dfrac{r}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N 2 p (1-p) \] which is not summable in $N$.
To do better, we note that \[ \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \Leftrightarrow \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right|^4 \ge \dfrac{1}{r^4} \] and we may therefore also take \[ \begin{aligned} & \mu_p \left(\, \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \right) \\ \le {} & r^4 \int \left| \dfrac{Y_1 + \cdots + Y_N}{N} \right|^4 \intd \mu_p \\ = {} & \dfrac{r^4}{N^4} \int |Y_1 + \cdots + Y_N|^4 \intd \mu_p \end{aligned} \] from Markov's inequality. It remains for us to calculate the integral \[ \int |Y_1 + \cdots + Y_N|^4 = \sum_{a,b,c,d = 1}^N \int Y_a Y_b Y_c Y_d \intd \mu_p \] which we do by checking various possibilities.
First we note that \[ \int Y_a Y_b Y_c Y_d \intd \mu_p = 0 \] will be zero whenever some member of the tuple $(a,b,c,d)$ appears only once. This is because $\mu_p$ is such that \[ \int Y_a^\alpha Y_b^\beta Y_c^\gamma Y_d^\delta \intd \mu_p =\int Y_a^\alpha \intd \mu_p \int Y_b^\beta \mu_p \int Y_c^\gamma \mu_p \int Y_d^\delta \intd \mu_p \] whenver $\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta$ belong to $\N$ and $a,b,c,d$ are pairwise distinct.
Thus \[ \sum_{a,b,c,d = 1}^N \int Y_a Y_b Y_c Y_d \intd \mu_p = \sum_{a,b=1}^N \int Y_a^2 Y_b^2 \intd \mu_p \] and from $|Y_a| \le 1$ we get \[ \left| \sum_{a,b,c,d = 1}^N \int Y_a Y_b Y_c Y_d \intd \mu_p \right| \le N^2 \] for all $N \in \N$. To summarize, Markov's inequality gives \[ \begin{aligned} & \mu_p \left(\, \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \right) \\ \le {} & r^4 \int \left| \dfrac{Y_1 + \cdots + Y_N}{N} \right|^4 \intd \mu_p \\ \le {} & \dfrac{r^4}{N^4} \int \sum_{a,b,c,d = 1}^N Y_a Y_b Y_c Y_d \intd \mu_p \\ \le {} & \dfrac{r^4}{N^2} \end{aligned} \] which is summable in $N$. We conclude from the Borel-Cantelli lemma that \[ \bigcap_{M \in \N} \bigcup_{N \ge M} \left\{ x \in \{0,1\}^\N : \left| \dfrac{Y_1(x) + \cdots + Y_N(x)}{N} \right| \ge \dfrac{1}{r} \right\} \] has zero measure. Since $r \in \N$ was arbitrary, we are done.