Professor: <In Russia> The highest rank of an academic staff member qualified for the post by virtue of the academic title of professor . He or she is expected to offer courses of lectures at the highest academic and methodological level, and to supervise academic and educational work as well as research. An academic title conferred upon a doktor nauk (Doctor of Sciences) (sometimes also a kandidat nauk <PhD>), the prerequisites being an appropriate record of teaching and research and published works on research problems or teaching methods.


The positions of professor and docent should be distinguished from the academic titles of professor and docent. These academic titles are awarded to holders of the positions of professor or docent respectively for their academic achievements. Such awards are made by the Ministry for General and Professional Education according to a special procedure.


Reference: Mutual Recognition of Qualifications: the Russian Federation and the Other European Countries, EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, 2000.