Personal Homepage of Mark Kambites

Mark's Teaching

The best way to contact me during termtime is usually to come to my office hour. Outside termtime or in semesters when I'm not teaching I don't have an office hour, so please email me from your university email account.

Current Courses

In 2022-23 I will be lecturing....

Please click on the course name above for details and support materials.

Projects and Research Supervision

I am happy to consider supervising undergraduate projects and MSc dissertations on topics in or near my research areas. Please feel free to contact me to discuss possible projects. For information about PhD and postdoctoral supervision please look here.

Old Courses

In Semester One of 2010-2011 I taught an informal graduate-level introduction to semigroup theory, aimed primarily at staff and PhD students.

Useful Links

This page is maintained by Mark Kambites.   It was retrieved on 25th September 2024.   The text was last manually edited on 29th July 2022 but dynamically generated content may have changed more recently.
Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect policy of the University of Manchester or any other organisation.
Information is correct to the best of the author's knowledge but is provided without warranty.
All content is protected by copyright, and may not be reproduced or further distributed without permission.