2024/2025 Research Skills and Projects (MATH61000)

Lecturer: Marcus Tressl

This course is compulsory for all students on the MSc programme Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Logic and runs over two semesters.


Week Activity
Week 0
Sep 16-20
Friday 13.00-15.00: Lectures (2 hours) in Nancy Rothwell_3A.071 M&T (Third floor of the Nancy Rothwell Building. It can be accessed by the stairs and lifts in Core 4.)

After the lecture, please familiarize yourself with mathematical typesetting: In order to typeset mathematics we will use LaTeX. If you do not have LaTeX installed on your computer, please install it. To do so install the following two programs:
  • MikTeX, available for Windows, Mac and Linux for free at https://miktex.org/.
  • TeXStudio, available for Windows, Mac and Linux for free at https://texstudio.org/.
  • Typeset a first LaTeX page on a topic of your choice.
More detailed information may be found in the slides from the lectures.
Week 1
Sep 23-27
  • Monday and Tuesday: Find a topic for the mini-project using the slides from the lectures.
  • Wednesday 14.00-16.00: Lectures (2 hours) in Stopford_TH 5 (located on the second floor of the Stopford Building.)
  • All week: Individual meetings with the lecturer to discuss your selection of the mini-project. Please sign up on our Poll (available after Sep. 20) and send an email with at least one suggestion for a mini-project to Marcus Tressl before your meeting.
Week 2
Sept 30 - Oct 4
Write the
(about 60 hours)
  • Tuesday: Start working on the mini-project.
  • Wednesday 16.30-18.30: Lectures (2 hours) in the Alan Turing Building, Frank Adams room 1 (located on the first floor next to the kitchen.)
  • Thursday: Have a first look at main projects and prospective supervisors using ProjectsMATH61000.pdf.
Week 3
Oct 7-11
Individual meetings with the lecturer on progress in writing the mini-project and on main project selection.
Please select one slot on our Poll (available after Oct. 2).
Week 4
Oct 14-18
Week 5
Oct 21-25
Week 6
Oct 28 - Nov 1
Reading week
Choose main project supervisors and send an email to Marcus Tressl naming at least two supervisors, along with project titles for a main project in order of your preference. Deadline: Friday, 3pm. Dry run of the presentation of the mini-project with PhD students (no lecturer will be present)
Week 7
Nov 4-8
Mini-project submission deadline: Friday, 3pm. Please upload the pdf file of the mini-project to the "Mini-Project Submission" box under "Assessment & Feedback" on BlackBoard.
Week 8
Nov 11-15
Individual presentations of the mini-project. The day and hour of the presentation will be communicated to you via email before November 8.
Week 9 Start of the main project. At this point the main project supervisor will take over. Submission deadline is the first day of the exam period of semester 2. Further information may be found in the Slides from the lectures

The marks of the mini-project will be released with the first semester marks and students will receive feedback, including feedback on the week 8 presentation.


Site maintained by Marcus Tressl. Last modified: Monday, 17th February 2025.