Publications 2000 - 2009 (links to be added)

Gigg, J., Finch, D. M. and O’Mara, S. M. (2000) Responses of rat subicular complex neurons to convergent stimulation of lateral entorhinal cortex and CA1 in vivo.  Brain Research, 884, 35-50.

O’Mara, S. M., Commins, S., Anderson, M. and Gigg, J. (2001) The subicular complex: a review of form, physiology and function. Progress in Neurobiology, 64, 129-155.

Gigg, J. Fonctionnement des neurones inhibiteurs: des mechanismes synaptiques aux grandes fonctions cognitives (2002). In L’inhibition dans les processus cognitifs et neurophysiolologiques: inhibition au carrefour des neurosciences. Ed. Boujon, C. Solal Press, Marseille, France, pp 17-49.

Gigg, J. (2006) Constraints on hippocampal processing imposed by the connectivity between CA1, subiculum and subicular targets. Behavioural Brain Research 11:265-71. Special issue entitled The Mammalian Subiculum: Contrasting and complementary in vivo and in vitro approaches to subicular function.

De la Prida, L.M., Totterdell, S., Gigg, J. and Miles, R. (2006). The subiculum comes of age. Hippocampus 16:916-23.