Dr Henggui Zhang Reader Biological Physics Group, Department of Physics |
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Room G22 Sackville Street Building (Main Building) (0161) 200 3966 (0161) 200 3941 |
Downloadable Source Codes for Cardiac Modelling
1) I(Kr) rectification and action potential/QT interval duration
2) Models of Action Potentials for Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Cells
3) Models of Effects of ACh on Action Potentials of Sinoatrial Node Cells
In the last decade, advances in life sciences have gathered a vast amount of experimental information about biological systems at cellular and sub-cellular levels. Now we are facing a big challenge: how do we interpret, analyse the experimental information and relate it to the functions of life? Can we reconstruct biological systems from such detailed information? There is a strong motivation behind this. A biological system is an integral system, within which components interact with each other. The interaction coordinates the simple behaviours of a biological system at cellular and sub-cellular levels into more complicated behaviours at tissue and organ levels. To understand the functions of a biological system, one has to synthesize the detailed, but isolated biological information obtained at cellular and sub-cellular systems into an interactive system at tissue and organ levels.
Recently, developments in non-linear science, modern physics of excitable medium, applied mathematics, together with availability of supercomputing power, have provided powerful tools to integrate detailed biological information into an interactive system. This forms a new exciting research area – reconstruction of virtual biological systems: from cell to organ.
My research covers the following areas: Computational Biology, Non-linear Dynamics. Specifically my research fields are:
Modelling the electrical activity of cardiac cells at single cell level
Modelling the electrical activity of cardiac systems at tissue and organ levels
(1) Modelling the electrical activity of cardiac cells at single cell level
The work here is to construct biophysically detailed and accurate models for the electrical activity of cardiac cells, based on the voltage-clamp experimental data. The validity of the model is to be able to re-generate the experimental observations, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Such experimental observations include the characteristics of action potentials, responses to certain ionic channel blockers.
Selected papers:
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden, D. Noble & M.R. Boyett (2002) "Analysis the chronotropic effects of ACh on the pacemaker activity of rabbit sinoatrial node cells" Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 13:465-474.
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden, I. Kodama, H. Honjo, M. Lei, T. Vagues & M.R. Boyett (2000) "Mathematical models of action potentials in the periphery and centre of the rabbit sinoatrial node", Journal of American Physiology (Heart and Circulation), 279(1):H397-H421.
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden, D. Noble & M.R. Boyett (2000) "Modelling the chronotropic effects of acetylchonine on the pacemaker activity of sinoatrial node" Journal of Physiology (London), 521P.
A. Garny, H. Zhang, M.R. Boyett, P. Khol, P. Noble & D. Noble (2000) "An advanced computer models of rabbit sinoatruial node cells". Biophysical Journal, 78 No.1 Pt.2 p.P2674.
(2) Modelling the electrical activity of cardiac tissue
The work here is to model the integrative behaviours of electrical activity of cardiac cells at the tissue level. Studies include the initiation and propagation of action potentials in the tissue, mechanisms underlying the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias, control of cardiac arrhythmias.
Selected Papers:
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden and M.R.Boyett (2001). "Gradient versus MOSAIC models of rabbit sinoatrial node" Circulation, 103: 584-588.
H. Zhang, R.L.Winslow, A.V. Holden (1998) "Re-entrant excitation initiated in models of inhomogeneous atrial tissue" , Journal of Theoretic Biology, Vol.191, No.3, pp.279-287.
H. Zhang, M.R. Boyett, A.V. Holden, H. Honjo and I. Kodama (1997) "A computer model of pacemaker shift within the mammalian sinoatrial node" Journal of Physiology, vol.504P, p.P70.
V.N. Biktashev, A.V. Holden, H. Zhang (1997) "A model for the action of external current into excitable tissue" International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.7, No. 2: 477-485.
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden, M.R. Boyett (1997) "The pacemaking system of the heart: from coupled oscillators to nonlinear waves", Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, Vol.30, No.2, pp.1019-1027
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden (1997) "One dimensional modelling the vulnerability to reentry of mammalian atrial tissue", Journal of Theoretic Biology, 184 (2) 119-124.
M.R. Boyett, A.V. Holden, I. Kodama, R. Suzuki, H. Zhang (1995). "Vagal control of sino-atrial node - experiments and simulations". Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 5: 425-438
A.V. Holden, H. Zhang (1995). "Characteristics of atrial re-entry and meander computed from a model of a rabbit single atrial cell" . Journal of Theoretic Biology 175 (1995): 545-551.
(3) Chaotic time series analysis and control of chaos
Biological systems are nonlinear. Characteristics of signals measured from such systems could be analysed by nonlinear dynamics methods. Such characteristics include the fractal dimension, entropy and Liapunov exponent and persistence of strain.
Selected Papers:
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden (1992). "Estimation of the persistence of strain from a time series as a measure of the geometry of an attractor". Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 2: 493.
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden, M. Lab, M. Moutoussis (1992). "Estimation of the persistence of strain from experimental recordings from cardiac tissue". Physica 58D: 489-496.
K.Yip, H. Zhang (1993). "Bifurcation of kidney hemodynamics in hypertension." In: 1992 Lectures in Complex Systems. Eds. L.Nadel, D.Stein, SFI Studies in Sciences of Complexity, Vol. V, Addison-Wesley, p663-670.
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden (1993). Measuring the complexity of attractors from single and multi-channel EEG signals. In: 1992 Lectures in Complex Systems. Eds. L.Nadel, D.Stein, SFI Studies in Sciences of Complexity, Vol. V, Addison-Wesley, p671-678.
X. Gong, F. Li, H. Zhang (1996). "On the control of chaotic neurons", Chaos, Soliton & Fractals, 7: 1397-1409
Selected Papers:
A.V. Holden, M. Poole, J.V. Tucker and H. Zhang (1994). "Coupling CMLs and the synchronization of a multilayer neural computing system". Chaos, Soliton and Fractals 4: 2249-2268.
A.V. Holden, J.V. Tucker, H. Zhang, M. Poole (1992). "Coupled map lattices as computational systems". Chaos 2: 367-376
A.V. Holden and H. Zhang (1992). "Lyapunov exponent spectrum for a generalised coupled map lattice". Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 2: 155-164
For cardiac modelling, the computer models have gone beyond simulation, it has come to a stage for prediction. For example, see:
H. Zhang, A.V. Holden, I. Kodama, H. Honjo, M. Lei, Y. Takagishi, M.R. Boyett (1999) "Hypothesis to explain the block zone protecting the sinoatrial node" Biophysics Journal Vol 76, No. 1 Pt2, p.A368.
M.R. Boyett, I. Kodama, M.R. Nikmaram, M.Yamamoto, H. Honjo, R. Niwa, H. Zhang, A.V. Holden (1998) "Regional differences in the role of the rapid delayed rectifier K+ current, I(K,r), within the rabbit sinoatrial node", Journal of Physiology (LONDON), Vol. 511P, p.P7
H. Zhang, M.R. Boyett, A.V. Holden, H. Honjo, I. Kodama (1998) "A hypothesis to explain the decline of sinoatrial node function with age", Journal of Physiology, Vol.511P, pp.P76-P
For more details please see the list of my publications.
Born in 1964 in China, I was educated in Physics (BSc, 1985), Computer Science (MSc, 1985-1988), Non-linear Science (Ph.D 1988-1990), and Biomedical Science (Ph.D, 1991-1994). From 1991, I worked as research assistant (1991-1994, Leeds, funding from MRC), postdoctoral research fellow (1994 - 1995, JHU, funding from NSF, USA; 1995-1996, Leeds; funding from Welcome Trust; 1996-2000, Leeds; funding from the British Heart Foundation), and then senior research fellow (2000 - 2001, Leeds, funding from British Heart Foundation ). In October 2001, I moved to UMIST to take up a lectureship. From then, I worked as lecturer (2001-2004; UMIST) and senior lecturer (2004-2006; UMIST and The University of Manchester). Currently I am Reader in Biological Physics Group, School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Manchester.
Refereed publications in primary journals:
- M. Lei, C. Goddard, H. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Fung, C. Huang, J.I. Vanderberg, WHC Colledge, AA Grace (2005) “Sinus node dysfunction following heterogeneous targeted disruption of the cardiac sodium channel gene Scn 5a in murine heart.” J Physiology, in press.
- H. Zhang, CJ Garratt, JJ Zhu, AV Holden (2005) “Role of up-regulation of I(K,1) in action potential shortening associated with atrial fibrillation in human” Cardiovascular Research 66: 493-502.
- G Seemann, C H¨oper, FB. Sachse, O D¨ossel, AV Holden and H Zhang (2005) “Heterogeneous 3D anatomical and electrophysiological model of human atria.” Philosophical Transaction of Royal Society A, in press.
- S Kharche, H Zhang, RC Clayton, AV Holden (2005) “Simulation of Hypertrophy in Rat Left Ventricular” LNCS 3504: 153-161.
- H Zhang, JH Liu, C J Garratt, AV Holden (2005) “Competitive Interactions between Ectopic Foci and Reentry in Virtual Human Atrium” Computer in Cardiology, in press.
- H Zhang, CJ Garratt, AV Holden (2005) “Stability of Genetically Engineered Cardiac Pacemaker: Role of Intracellular Ca2+ Handling” Computer in Cardiology, in press.
- S Kharche, AV Holden and H Zhang (2005) “Simulation and analysis of heart failure in a transmural model of human ventricular cell and 1D tissue” Computer in Cardiology, in press.
- H. Zhang, Hancox JC (2004). “In silico study of action potential and QT interval shortening due to loss of inactivation of the cardiac rapid delayed rectifier potassium current.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 322: 693-699.
- H. Zhang, Holden AV (2004). "Defibrillation threshold computed from normal and supernormal excitable cardiac tissue” Mathematical Bioscience 188: 175-190.
- H. Zhang, Noble D. et al. (2003). “Dynamics of cardiac intracellular Ca2+ handling – from experiments to virtual cells.” International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 13(12): 3535-3560.
- H. Zhang, J.J. Zhu, C.J. Garratt, A.V. Holden (2004) “Computational study of the relative contributions of electrical and intercellular coupling remodelling on human atrial conduction during fibrillation” Computer in Cardiology 31: 141-144.
- D. Tsalikakis, H.Zhang, DI Fotiadis, GP Kremmydas (2004) “Phase resetting in central and peripherial sinoatrial node cell models” Computer in Cardiology 31: 505-508.
- S. Kharche, H. Zhang, R.C. Clayton, A.V. Holden (2004) “Simulation of hypertrophy in rat left ventricular cells” Computer in Cardiology 31: 513-516.
- D.C. McLernon, N.J. Dabanloo, A. Ayatollahi, V.J. Majd, H. Zhang (2004) “A new nonlinear model for generating RR tachograms” Computer in Cardiology 31, 481-484
- H. Dobrzynski, H. Zhang, SE Wright, AV Holden and MR Boyett (2003) “Structure-function relationships of the sinoatrial node.” International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 13( 12): 3621-3629.
- H. Zhang, Noble D. et al. (2003). “Dynamics of cardiac intracellular Ca2+ handling – from experiments to virtual cells.” International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 13(12): 3535-3560.
- H. Zhang, Dobrzynski H, Holden AV, Boyett MR (2003). “Heterogeneous sinoatrial node of rabbit heart-molecular and electrical mapping and biophysical reconstruction.” LNCS 2674: 132-140.
- H. Zhang, CJ Garratt and AV Holden (2003) “Modelling onset and termination in homogeneous human atria”. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 13(12): 3845-3863.
- H. Zhang, Garratt CJ, Zhu JJ & Holden AV (2003). “Cellular modelling of electrical remodelling in two different models of human atrial myocytes.” Computer in Cardiology 30: 777-780.
- Z. Li, A.V. Holden, C.H. Orchard, H. Zhang (2003) “ Modeling excitation and propagation of action potentials across inhomogeneous ventricular tissue” International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos 13 (12): 3845-3863.
- H. Zhang, A.V.Holden, D. Noble and MR Boyett (2002) “Analysis of the chronotropic effect of acetylcholine on sinoatrial node” Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 13: 465-474.
- H.Zhang, A.V.Holden and M.R.Boyett (2002). “Computational approaches to the ionic basis of pacemaker activity-from channel kinetics to the regional differences in rhythm”. Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 13 (8): 1631-1642.
- H. Zhang, A.V.Holden and MR Boyett (2002) “Sustained inward current and pacemaker activity of mammalian sinoatrial node.” Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 13(8):809-12.
- M.R.Boyett, H. Zhang, A.Garny, A.V.Holden (2001) "Control of the pacemaker of the heart by intracellular Ca2+." Philosophical Transaction of Royal Society (London) 359A (1783): 1091-1110.
- H. Zhang, A.V. Holden and M.R.Boyett (2001). "Gradient versus MOSAIC models of rabbit sinoatrial node" Circulation 103: 584-588.
- M.R.Boyett, A.V.Holden, H. Zhang (2001) “Engineering virtual cardiac tissue.” Briefings in Bioinformatics 2 (3): 233-244.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden, I.Kodama, H.Honjo, M.Lei, T.Vagues & M.R.Boyett (2000) "Mathematical models of action potentials in the periphery and centre of the rabbit sinoatrial node" Journal of American Physiology (Heart and Circulation) 279(1): H397-H421.
- M. deCastro, M.Gomes-Gesteira, H. Zhang & V.Peres-Villar (2000) "Reentry termination by infra and supra- threshold pulses" Chaos, Soliton and Fractals 11: 2031-2038.
- H Zhang, R.L.Winslow, A.V.Holden (1998) "Re-entrant excitation initiated in models of inhomogeneous atrial tissue." Journal of Theoretical Biology 191 (3): 279-287.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden, M.R.Boyett (1997) "The pacemaking system of the heart: from coupled oscillators to nonlinear waves." Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 30(2): 1019-1027.
- Biktashev, V.N., Holden, A.V., H Zhang (1997) "A model for the action of external current into excitable tissue." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 7(2): 477-485.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden (1997) "One dimensional modelling the vulnerability to reentry of mammalian atrial tissue." Journal of Theoretical Biology 184(2): 119-124.
- H Zhang (1996) "Interactions between vortices and lesions and ectopic foci in a CML model of cardiac tissue." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 6(10).
- X. Gong, F.Li, H Zhang (1996). "On the control of chaotic neurons." Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 7: 1397-1409.
- A.V.Holden, H Zhang. "Characteristics of atrial re-entry and meander computed from a model of a rabbit single atrial cell". Journal of Theoretical Biology 175 (1995): 545-551.
- M.Boyett, A.V.Holden, I.Kodama, R.Suzuki, H. Zhang (1995). "Vagal control of sino-atrial node - experiments and simulations". Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 5: 425-438.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden (1995). "Spiral wave breakdown in an excitable medium model of cardiac tissue". Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 5: 661-672.
- H Zhang, N.Patel (1995). "Chaotic meander spiral wave in FitzHugh-Nagumo systems". Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 5: 635-644.
- A.V.Holden, M.Poole, J.V.Tucker and H Zhang (1994). "Coupling CMLs and the synchronization of a multiplayer neural computing system". Chaos, Soliton and Fractals 4: 2249-2268.
- V.N.Biktashev, A.V.Holden and H Zhang (1994). "Tension of the organising filament for scroll waves". Philosophical Transaction of Royal Society 347(1685): 611-630.
- A.V.Holden, H Zhang (1993). "Modelling propagation and re-entry in anisotropic and smooth heterogeneous cardiac tissue". Journal of Chemic Society Faraday Transaction 89(15): 2833.
- E.Labos, A.V.Holden and H Zhang (1993). "The behaviour of the Lyapunov exponent of a map simulating neural activity". Physics Letter 173A: 399-406.
- A.V.Holden, J.V.Tucker, H Zhang, M.Poole (1992). "Coupled map lattices as computational systems". Chaos 2: 367-376.
- A.V.Holden and H Zhang (1992). "Lyapunov exponent spectrum for a generalised coupled map lattice". Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 2: 155-164.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden (1992). "Estimation of the persistence of strain from a time series as a measure of the geometry of an attractor". Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 2: 493.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden, M.Lab, M.Moutoussis (1992). "Estimation of the persistence of strain from experimental recordings from cardiac tissue". Physica 58D: 489-496.
Full Papers submitted to primary journals:
- H Zhang, P Steward, K Cai, JC Hancox (2005) “Short QT syndrome produced by a gain in function of the slow delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs): a simulation study”, Circulation, submitted.
- MR Boyett, J Li, S. Inada, H. Dobrzynski, JE Schneider, AV Holden and H. Zhang (2005) “Imaging the heart: Computer three-dimensional anatomical model of the heart”, submitted.
- H. Zhang, JJ Zhu, CJ Garratt & AV Holden (2005). “Computational study of the relative contribution of electrical and gap junctional remodelling on human atrial conduction during fibrillation.” Cardiovascular Research, submitted.
- T. Tao, S. O’Neil, M. Dias, YT Li, D. Eisner, H. Zhang (2005). “Analysis of mechanisms underlying the genesis of cardiac intracellular Ca2+ alternans.” Circulation Research, submitted.
- MJ Taggart, H. Zhang, S. Kharche, AV Holden, S. Thornton, AM Blanks (2005) “Integrative approaches towards understanding the myometrial physiome”, submitted.
- K. Wang, Z. Yan, H. Zhang (2005) “A novel Approach to Extract Sublingual Vein from Color Image”, submitted.
Contribution to Parts of Books:
- MR Boyett, Honjo H, Zhang H, Takagishi Y, Kodama I (2002). The sinoatrial node. Gap junction distribution and impulse propagation. In Heart Cell Coupling. Ed. De Mello, W.C.Kluwer.
- M.Boyett, A.V.Holden, H Zhang. "Reconstruction of excitable tissue physiology and pathophysiology from cellular models", In Computation in cellular and molecular biological systems ed R Cutherbertson, M Holcombe, R Patton. pp 287-300 Singapore: World Scientific 1996
- K.Yip, H Zhang. Bifurcation of kidney hemodynamics in hypertension. In: 1992 Lectures in Complex Systems. Eds. L.Nadel, D.Stein, SFI Studies in Sciences of Complexity, Vol. V, Addison-Wesley, 1993, p663-670.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden. Measuring the complexity of attractors from single and multi-channel EEG signals. In: 1992 Lectures in Complex Systems. Eds. L.Nadel, D.Stein, SFI Studies in Sciences of Complexity, Vol. V, Addison-Wesley, 1993, p671-678.
- A.V.Holden and H Zhang. Nonlinear wave phenomena in cardiac tissue. In: Nonlinear dispersive wave. L.Debneath (ed.), World Scientific Publisher, Singapore 1992.
- A.V.Holden, J.Hyde and H Zhang. Computing with unpredictable: Chaotic dynamics and Fractal structure of the brain. In: Application of fractals and chaos. R.A.Earnshaw (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1993.
- A.V.Holden, J.Hyde, M.Muhamad and H Zhang. Bifurcating neurones. In: Coupled oscillating neurons. J.G.Taylor and G.L.T.Mannion (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- A.V.Holden, J.V.Tucker, B.C.Thompson, D.Withington and H Zhang. Theoretical framework for analyzing the behaviour of real and simulated neural networks. In: Neural network dynamics. J.G.Taylor, E.R.Caianiello, R.M.J.Cotterill and J.W.Clark (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992.
- A.V.Holden, M.Muhamad and H Zhang. Spatio-temporal patterning and irregularity in neural systems. In: Mathematical approaches to brain functioning diagnostics. I. Dvorak and A.V.Holden (eds.), Manchester University Press, 1991.
- H. Zhang, CJ Garratt, JJ Zhu, AV Holden (2005) “Functional conduction alternans generated by rapid foci in homogeneous virtual human atrial tissue.” Heart Rhythm 2: S57.
- Shin Inada, Jue Li, Halina Dobrzynski, Henggui Zhang and Mark R. Boyett (2005) “Activation sequence in the three-dimensional excitable media of the sinoatrial node.” Journal of Physiology, in press.
- Pam Ward, Jon Stott, Tao Tao, JC Hancox, AV Holden and H Zhang (2005) “Modelling the effects of acute myocardial ischemia on transmural electrophysilogical heterogeneity, excitation conduction and characteristics of ECG.” Journal of Physiology, in press.
- H. Zhang, T. Tao, K. Cai and J.C. Hancox (2005) “A substrate for arrhythmia associated with short QT-2 syndrome.” Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, in press.
- H Zhang, CJ Garratt and AV Holden (2005) “Functional Conduction Alternans Facilitates the Transition from Rapid Foci to Reentry in Homogeneous Virtual Human Atrial Tissue” Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, in press.
- S. Inada, H. Zhang, H. Honjo, D.Escande, M.R. Boyett (2004) “Insights into sick sinus syndrome caused by mutation of the cardiac sodium channel gene” Journal of Physiology, in press.
- Y. Zhao, H. Dobrzynski, A.V. Holden, M.R. Boyett, H. Zhang (2004) “Effects of ageing on the electrical activity of the sinoatrial node” Journal of Physiology, in press.
- G. Seemann, F.B. Sachse, O. Doessel, A.V. Holden, M.R. Boyett, H. Zhang (2004) “3D anatomical and electrophysiological model of human sinoatrial node and atria” Journal of Physiology, in press.
- T. Tao, S.C. O’Neill, M.E. Diaz, Y.T. Li, D.A. Eisner, H. Zhang (2004) “Mathematical modelling of alternans of calcium in cardiac cells” Journal of Physiology, in press.
- S.M. Rayner, C.J.Garratt, A.V. Holden, H. Zhang (2004) “The role of intracellular Ca handling in determining stability of a genetically engineered pacemaker” Heart 90: A37.
- H. Zhang, J.J. Zhu, C.J. Garratt, A.V. Holden (2004) “Relative role of electrical and gap junctional remodelling on atrial conduction velocity in virtual human atrial tissue” Heart Rhythm 1(1): S256.
- H. Zhang, S.M. Rayner, C.J. Garratt , A.V. Holden (2004) “The role of intracellular Ca handling in determining stability of a genetically engineered pacemaker” Heart Rhythm 1(1):S85.
- C. Höper, G. Seemann, F.B. Sachse, H. Zhang, O. Dössel (2003) “3D computer model of human atrial anatomy and electrophysiology”. Biomedizinische Technik (Berlin). Supplement September.
- H. Zhang, CJ Garratt, AV Holden (2003). “Competitive interaction between ectopic foci and reentry in virtual human atrium” PACE 26, p985.
- H. Zhang, CJ Garratt, AV Holden (2003). “Measured changes in sarcolemmal calcium current cannot account for atrial action potential reduction in atrial fibrillation” PACE 26, p977.
- I.V. Biktasheva, A.V. Holden and H. Zhang, (2002). “Stability, period and meander of spiral waves in two human virtual atrial tissues” J. Physiology (London), 544P.
- C.J. Garratt, A.V. Holden and H. Zhang, (2002). “Cellular modelling of human atrial tissue remodelling produced by atrial fibrillation”. J. Physiology (London), 544P.
- H. Zhang, M. Lancaster, A.V. Holden & M.R. Boyett (2001) “Modelling of Ca2+ handling in the sinoatrial node – successes and failure”, Proceedings of the Physiological Society of New Zealand 20 Suppl 1.
- H. Zhang, A.V. Holden & M.R. Boyett (2001) “ Mathematical modelling the chronotropic effects of autonomous never system on the pacemaker activity of rabbit sinoatrial node.” Proceedings of the Physiologiacl Society of New Zealand 20 Suppl 1.
- H. Zhang, H. Dobrzynski, I. Kodama, Takigishi, A.V. Holden & M.R. Boyett (2001) “How does the sinoatrial node drive the atrium” J. Physiol, 536P.
- H. Zhang, A.V.Holden, M.R.Boyett (2001) “Mathematical analysis of intracellular Ca2+ regulation of the pacemaker activity of rabbit sinoatrial node. “ J Physiology, 533: 30P-31P.
- H. Zhang, A.V.Holden, M.R.Boyett (2001) “Modelling the effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation on rabbit sinoatrial node” J. Physiology, 533: 38P-39P.
- A. Garny, H. Zhang, M.R.Boyett, P. Khol, P. Noble & D. Noble (2000) "An advanced computer models of rabbit sinoatruial node cells". Biophysical Journal, 78 No.1 Pt.2 p.P2674.
- Z. Li, H.Zhang, A.V.Holden & O. Clive (2000) "Regional differences in the ventricular wall of guinea-pig heart: electrical activity and propagation" J. Physiology (London), 521P.
- Garny, A., H. Zhang, M.R.Boyett, P. Khol, P. Noble & D. Noble (2000) "Comparative studies of models of rabbit sinoatrial node" J. Physiology (London), 521P.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden, D.Noble & M.R.Boyett (2000) "Modelling the chronotropic effects of acetylchonine on the pacemaker activity of sinoatrial node" J Physiology (London), 521P.
- H Zhang, A.V.Holden, I.Kodama, H. Honjo, M. Lei, Y. Takagishi, M.R.Boyett (1999) "Hypothesis to explain the block zone protecting the sinoatrial node" Biophysics Journal Vol 76, No. 1 Pt2, p.A368.
- M.R.Boyett, I.Kodama, M.R.Nikmaram, M.Yamamoto, H.Honjo, R.Niwa, H. Zhang, A.V.Holden (1998) "Regional differences in the role of the rapid delayed rectifier K+ current, I(K,r), within the rabbit sinoatrial node", J. Physiology (London), Vol. 511P, p.P7
- H Zhang, Boyett, M.R., Holden, A.V., Honjo, H. and Kodama, I. (1998) "A hypothesis to explain the decline of sinoatrial node function with age", J. Physiology, Vol.511P, pp.P76-P
- H Zhang, Boyett, M.R., Holden, A.V., Honjo, H. and Kodama, I. (1998) "Evidence that the Na current, INa, in the periphery of the sinoatrail node helps the node to drive the surrounding atrial muscle" J. Physiology, Vol.506P, pp.P54-P55.
- H Zhang, Boyett, M.R., Holden, A.V., Honjo, H. and Kodama, I. (1997) "A computer model of pacemaker shift within the mammalian sinoatrial node" J. Physiology, vol.504P, p.P70.
- Boyett, M.R., Holden, A.V. & H Zhang. "Computational studies of electrotonic interactions between sinoatrial node and atrium", European Heart Journal 17, 293 1996.
- H Zhang, M.R.Boyett, A.V.Holden "Two dimensional studies of Electrotonic interactions between sinoatrial node and atrium and effects of acetylcholine", J. Physiology, 497p pp.P 8-9 P, 1996.
- H Zhang, R.L.Winslow. "The role of the shift of the vulnerable window in initiation of reentrant activity in models of mammanlian atrium". J. Physiology (London), vol.487P, pp.P 125-P 126, 1995
- J. Blom, A.V.Holden, M.Poole, J.V.Tucker and H Zhang. "Caress II: a general purpose tool for parallel deterministic systems, with applications to simulating cellular systems". J. Physiology (London), 467, p145, 1993.
- Clough, A., A.V.Holden and H Zhang. "The effects of anisotropy on re-entrant wave in 3-dimensional, coupled map lattice model of myocardial tissue". J. Physiology (London), 467, p153, 1993