SUSTICOAT will set up an European Industrial Doctorate programme to enable Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to develop a broad range of academic and industrial skills while working in the field of sustainable organic coatings for corrosion protection. The project will provide training to 5 ESRs in both the innovation process required to go from scientific concept to commercial product and in a range of specific scientific skills - computational modelling, polymer synthesis, advanced characterisation, material science and chemical process engineering, through tackling research challenges that fall between Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 4 to 7. The 5 ESR projects will give the researchers the opportunity to develop skills in the translation of knowledge from academic to industrial use: developing prototype products to realise academic insights; correlating laboratory performance with both accelerated test and real application performance; determining the performance window of substitute materials being introduced into a new market.
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This project is funded under the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Action, project number