
RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group  19th Annual Meeting

8th – 10th January 2025  Burlington House, Piccadilly, London


RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group

The RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group was set up in 2005 to provide a focus for groups in UK universities and industry working on the synthesis and characterisation of biomaterials. The group aims to enhance the understanding of the chemistries underlying the use of biomaterials in applications including prostheses, drug delivery and regenerative medicine.

Annual Meetings

Annual meetings of the group are designed to promote biomaterials chemistry research and development, enhance existing links, foster new collaborations and spread expertise. Meetings give participants the opportunity to present new work, discuss data and help to shape the future of research in this important and vibrant area of chemistry. 

Abstract submission

Abstract are invited from all Biomaterials Chemistry areas. To submit abstracts and to register for the event please visit the RSC event page.


Abstracts – 20th Nov 2024

Early bird registration – 30st Nov 2024

Standard registration – 20th Dec 2024

Late poster abstracts – 15th Dec 2024

Contributed oral abstracts (12 + 3 min) acceptance will be confirmed by the 25th of Nov 2024


Early Bird Registration fees

Student RSC Member:


Student Non-RSC member:


RSC Members:


Non-RSC Members:


Full Registration fees

Student RSC Member:


Student Non-RSC member:


RSC Members:


Non-RSC Members


Registration fees include attendee pack, all coffee/tea breaks, lunch on the Thursday and Friday, wine reception on the Wednesday as well as the conference dinner on the Thursday evening. See conference programme below for more details.

Note that RSC Student Membership is £21. To become a member please follow this link: RSC MembershipWhen registering please ensure you tick the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry group membership.


Royal Society of Chemistry event page


Abstract Submission

Invited Speakers:

Prof Sebastien Perrier
University of Warwick
Title: Nanostructured Materials for Bioapplications

Biography & Bibliography
Prof Raechelle D’Sa
University of Liverpool
Title: Infection Wars: A New Hope

Biography & Bibliography
Al-Sulaiman Dr Dana Al-Sulaiman
KAUST University
Title: Smart Polymeric Microneedles for Non-invasive Transdermal Drug Delivery and Electrochemical Biosensing

Biography & Bibliography
Borges Dr Joao Borges
University of Aveiro
Title: Leveraging supramolecular polymeric biomaterials for regenerative medicine strategies

Biography & Bibliography
Dr Giuseppe Mantovani
University of Nottingham

Title: Glycan polymers and beyond

Biography & Bibliography

Pinna Dr Alessandra Pinna
University of Surrey
Title: Silica mesoporous nanostar and  their interaction with biological environment

Biography and Bibliography
Georgiou Prof Theoni Georgiou
Imperial College London
Title: Tuning the gelation temperature of injectable thermogels

Biography & Bibliography

Elsawy Dr Mohamed Elsawy
University of Manchester
Title: Simple & Smart: Minimalistic Design Approach for the Development of Peptide Nanomaterials

Biography & Bibliography


Preliminary Meeting Programme:

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

        13:00 Registration, posters setup & Coffee/Tea

        13:50 Welcome and housekeeping

        14:00 Prof S. Perrier (Univ. of Warwick)

        14:30 Contributed oral contributions

        15:30 Coffee/Tea break

        16:00 Dr A. Pinna (Univ. of Surrey)

        16:30 Contributed oral contributions

        17:30 Poster session & Drink reception

Thursday, January 9th, 2025

        09:00 Tea/Coffee

        09:30 Dr J. Borges (Univ. of Aveiro)

        10:00 Contributed oral contributions

        11:00 Coffee/Tea break

        11:30 Dr G. Mantovani (Univ. of Nottingham)

        12:00 Contributed oral contributions

        13:00 Buffet lunch

        14:00 Dr D. Al-Sulaiman (KAUST Univ.)

        14:30 Contributed oral contributions

        15:30 Coffee/Tea break

        16:00 Poster session

        17:15 Prof T. Georgiou (Imperial College)

        17:45 RSC Biomat Chem Group AGM

        19:00 Conference dinner

January 10th, 2025

        09:00 Tea/Coffee

        09:30 Prof R. D’Sa (Univ. of Liverpool)

        10:00 Contributed oral contributions

        11:00 Coffee/Tea break

        11:30 Dr M. Elsawy (Univ. of Manchester)

        12:00 Contributed oral contributions

        13:00 Lunch, Poster dismount and Departure


        Royal Society of Chemistry

        Burlington House

        Piccadilly, W1J 0BA


Burlington House is on the north side of Piccadilly, opposite Fortnum and Mason and not far from The Ritz. After entering the gates, you will find the Royal Society of Chemistry at the far right of the courtyard. Disabled access is available.

The nearest tube stations are Green Park and Piccadilly Circus.




There are a range of hotels in this part of central hotels for all kinds of budgets. Here are some suggestions:

        Z Hotels, Piccadilly, London

        Premier Inn Hub, St James's Park, London

        Premier Inn Hub, Westminster Abbey, London

        The Cavendish Hotel, Piccadilly,  London

        The Dilly, Piccadilly, London



If you are interested in sponsoring and displaying at this event, please contact the conference chair:

Prof Alberto Saiani, Univ. of Manchester

E-mail: a.saiani@manchester.a.uk

Organising committee

Prof Alberto Saiani (Chair), Univ. of Manchester

Prof Chris Sammon, Sheffield Hallam Univ.

Dr Mischa Zelzer, Univ. of Nottingham


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