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lecture 3: conclusion

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what's coming in lecture 4

we can now format text and link several pages together into a site. In fact there is not much more to find out about text handling and information management. With text formatting tags, links and ideas of structuring a web site, you have all the technical information you need to produce useful web sites. Like many other things, all it now takes is practice.

However, you are probably thinking there's rather more to web design than this. With the techniques presented so far we can produce structured texts, and can even make them quite attractive with colours and some basic layout. But:

  • the pages are basically one-dimensional; the text basically starts at the top and runs down to the bottom, line after line. How, for instance, would you produce a page like this one, with the tags you've learnt so far? There are two columns of text on this page: and some of these slides have three. How you do this is the subject of lesson 4 which discusses the important technique of tables.
  • we have not yet moved from text to multimedia. The simplest step to take is to put images on pages alongside the text. This will come in lecture 5.

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