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Web Design


lecture one

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what is a web site?

In this first lecture you will learn what a web site actually is, that is, what file types make it up and how they fit together. You will also learn what HTML is, and two of its basic elements: tags and attributes. Finally you will learn how all web pages have to include structural tags, including the page title; the first foundation stones in any web page.

There is no prior reading required for this lecture.

online materials

These are designed to be read after you have followed the virtual or real lecture 1.

Remember you can use the printer-friendly (text-only) page if you want to print off all these topic pages.

Before moving on to lecture 2 you should check your progress with the self-test.

Material on this site is © Drew Whitworth, 2005 Permission will usually be given to reproduce material from this site for non-commercial purposes, if credit is given. For enquiries, e-mail Drew at andrew [dot] whitworth [at] manchester [dot] ac [dot] uk.