Julia set: maps with complex numbers
The Julia set is the points on the complex plane that remain bounded under iteration of the map for some complex number .
This code is adapted from the book "MATLAB Guide" by Desmond J. Higham and Nicholas J. Higham (the constant c and the region used to generate the region are more customized).
The examples are take from the book A first course in chaotic dynamical systems by Robert L. Devalney.
Julia Set "Dragon" with
x = linspace(-1.3,1.3,501);
y = linspace(-1.3,1.3,501);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
c = 0.360284+0.100376*1i;
C = ones(size(X))*c;
Z_max = 1e6; it_max = 50;
Z = complex(X,Y);
B = zeros(size(C));
for k = 1:it_max
Z = Z.^2 + C;
B = B + (abs(Z)<2);
% only show those bounded points
title('Julia Set "Dragon" for $c=0.360284+0.100376i$','FontSize',16,'interpreter','latex');
axis off
Julia Set with
x = linspace(-1.6,1.6,501);
y = linspace(-1.3,1.3,501);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
c = -0.75+0.1i;
C = ones(size(X))*c;
Z_max = 1e6; it_max = 50;
Z = complex(X,Y);
B = zeros(size(C));
for k = 1:it_max
Z = Z.^2 + C;
B = B + (abs(Z)<0.6);
title('Julia Set for $c=-0.75+0.1i$','FontSize',16,'interpreter','latex');
axis off