Downloading the Modelling Tools (Linux)

These tools are being made available for research/non-commercial use only.

Download the data and basic tools am_tools_linux_v3.tgz (12Mb).

Use the following:
tar xvfz am_tools_linux_v3.tgz
This will create the following directory structure:
am_tools/linux_bin   (Tools for linux)
am_tools/images      (Set of example images)
am_tools/points      (Set of example points files)
am_tools/models      (Set of example model parameter files)
am_tools/doc         (HTML documentation)
Arrange that linux_bin is in your path, or copy the tools from there to a suitable bin directory already in your path.

Note: This software requires Qt3, and a variety of other shared libraries which are hopefully in most modern linux distributions. Use ldd to find out more.
The tools were compiled using gcc3.2 on a SUSE 8.0 distribution. Only limited testing has been done on other platforms. Please let me know if you find it works on yours.
Unfortunately I am highly unlikely to have time to provide much support if the tools don't work. My apologies in advance.

To play, follow the instructions in this brief tutorial. Have fun.