Longitudinal Sound Wave Simulation
[Note, this is a schematic rather than realistic demonstration of sound wave motion. The parameter values that you can manipulate are arbitrary & some combinations of parameters may result in 'odd' looking results especially when they are set to high values]
- Adjustment of amplitude: with the default parameters, observe the wave and particle movement. Gradually increase the amplitude parameter and see how this affects the wave. Notice how the red dots are displaced more, and the region of compression is denser and the particles are more spread out following the pulse (greater degree of rarefaction).
- Adjustment of frequency: with the pulse speed set to 0.1, frequency at 0.1, and amplitude at 0.03, observe the wave and particle movement. Gradually increase the frequency parameter and see how this affects the wave. Notice how the pulses are more frequent, and the regions of compression are closer together (smaller period, and shorter wavelength).
- Adjustment of pulse speed: Set the frequency at 0.5 and amplitude at 0.03, observe the wave and particle movement, and particularly the wavelength (distance between compression regions). Now gradually increase the pulse speed parameter and see how this affects the wavelength.