Peter Rowley Homepage

Professor Peter Rowley

Office - Room 2.131, Alan Turing Building

Telephone: 0161-200 3648
Fax: 0161-200-3669
My MathSciNet page

Algebraic Structures I


There are no online notes for this course and so it is vital that you attend all lectures and tutorial classes. Solutions to the exercises will be given out in tutorial classes.

Files from various papers

Below are the files to accompany my paper - Chamber Graphs of some Geometries that are Almost Buildings
G B P1 P2 P3 DB Neighbours BorbitsDiscs Code
6-(3) 6-(3)-G 6-(3)-B 6-(3)-P1 6-(3)-P2 6-(3)-P3 6-(3)-DB 6-(3) - Neighbours 6-(3) - BorbitsDiscs 6-(3) - Code
U6(2) U6(2)-G U6(2)-B U6(2)-P1 U6(2)-P2 U6(2)-P3 U6(2)-DB U6(2)- Neighbours U6(2)- BorbitsDiscs U6(2)- Code
Ω8+(2) Ω8+(2)-G Ω8+(2)-B Ω8+(2)-P1 Ω8+(2)-P2 Ω8+(2)-P3 Ω8+(2)-DB Ω8+(2)- Neighbours Ω8+(2)- BorbitsDiscs Ω8+(2) - Code
G2(3) G2(3)-G G2(3)-B G2(3)-P1 G2(3)-P2 G2(3)-P3 G2(3)-DB G2(3)- Neighbours G2(3)- BorbitsDiscs G2(3) - Code
G2(3) G2(3)-G G2(3)-B G2(3)-P1 G2(3)-P2 G2(3)-P3 G2(3)-DB G2(3)- Neighbours G2(3)- BorbitsDiscs G2(3)- Code
Suz Suz-G Suz-B Suz-P1 Suz-P2 Suz-P3 Suz-DB Suz- Neighbours Suz- BorbitsDiscs Suz- Code