Teaching materials for EART22001: Environmental Modelling

Module EART22001 Environmental Modelling

Learning Module 1: Modelling using Ordinary Differential Equations

Tables will be populated with material each week.

Learning Module 2: Models with Eulerian spatial coordinates

Tables will be populated with material each week.

Learning Module 3: Dynamical Models—also Eulerian

Tables will be populated with material each week.

Additional Models: Reaction-Diffusion and Agent-Based Modelling

Tables will be populated with material each week.

Freely available atmospheric model data (for interest)

Global surface winds updated 3 hourly.
Global winds @500 hPa updated 3 hourly.

Wetter3 site for GFS model and surface charts
Met Office again wealth of information on their newly-revamped site
ManUniCast our own model
Whitworth Observatory Our own observatory here in Manchester (OK not model data, but still interesting)