Thanks for visiting my website. If you're looking for Michael Berks,
a research associate in the QBI lab
at the University of Manchester, you've come to the right place. My official university research portal profile can be found
here, along with my ResearchGate, Google Scholar and ORCid profiles.
My main research interests lie in the application of image processing and pattern recognition techniques
to the world of medical images. I work on several research projects, see here for an overview.
I currently teach a Matlab and python tutorial course (including an introduction to basic programming techniques) to students
enrolled on the Medical Imaging Science MSc course. The tutorial is open to other students and staff, however please contact me if you would like to attend. Teaching materials and dates for the current course are available here.
For details of publications or more information on my CV, please see the relevant tabs.
Otherwise, feel free to email me (michael.berks 'at' manchester.ac.uk) if there's anything else you'd like to know.
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