Manchester Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Seminars

Winter 1999/2000

September 29, 1999, 4.00 pm

Lecture Theatre OF/B9 Oddfellows Hall (Material Science)

Topology versus measure in globally coupled maps

Prof. Paul Glendinning, Dept. of Mathematics, QMW

An attractor is an object which attracts (!) `many' nearby points, but the definition of `many' can be either topological (either generic or open sets) or measure-theoretic ('almost all with respect to some measure'). There are now some very simple dynamical systems which demonstrate these different types of attractors, and also illustrate the complicated bifurcations associated with the loss of stability of synchronized states. Some of this jargon will be explained. (At the risk of introducing yet more jargon, the globally coupled maps are also mean field maps.)

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Page last modified: September 9, 1999

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