Manchester Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Seminars

Autumn 2000

Thursday 30 November, 2000, 1.00 pm

Room N6 in the Maths. and Social Sciences tower at UMIST

Simultaneous Diophantine approximation and linearization of C2 maps

Dr. Keith Briggs, BTexaCT Research, Suffolk.

The solution of a famous problem of dynamical systems theory, the question of the linearizability of holomorphic maps of the complex plane in the neighbourhood of a fixed point, turned out to involve number theory in an essential and intriguing way. Much less is known about the higher-dimensional case of this problem, and progress seems to depend on questions of algorithm design for simultaneous approximation of sets of irrationals. I will attempt to give a general survey and point out the links between the pure mathematics and computer science involved in attacks on this problem.

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For further info contact Mark Muldoon (phone 0161 200 3646,

Page last modified: 27 November, 2000

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