Heil, M. & Pedley, T.J. (1996) Large Post-Buckling Deformations of
Cylindrical Shells Conveying Viscous Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures
10 , 565-599.
This paper examines the post-buckling deformation of
cylindrical shells conveying viscous flow. The wall deformation is
modelled using geometrically non-linear shell theory and lubrication
theory is used to model the fluid flow. The coupled fluid-solid
problem is solved using a parallelised FEM technique. It is found that
the fluid-solid interaction leads to a violent collapse of the tube
such that immediate opposite wall contact occurs after the buckling
if the volume flux is kept constant during the buckling.
If the pressure drop through the tube is kept constant during the buckling
the fluid-solid coupling slows down the collapse (compared to the
buckling under a dead load). The effects of
various parameters (upstream pressure, axial pre-stretch
and the geometry of the tube) on the post-buckling behaviour are examined and
the exact geometrically non-linear shell theory is compared to Sanders'
(1963) moderate rotation theory. Finally, the implications of the results for
previous models which described the wall deformation using so called
`tube laws' are discussed.
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