Feedback on MATH35001 exam Jan 2014 ----------------------------------- Overall the paper was done quite well -- many students scored extremely high marks, though there was also quite a "long tail" of not-so-spectacular marks, and, sadly, a few students seemed to collapse completely and obtained single-digit scores... Q1: Common mistakes: forgetting that action = re-action, i.e. traction on solid = - traction on fluid; not evaluating traction on boundary; not actually drawing any conclusion from computing the curl of the fluid (and, again, not evaluating it on the boundary). Q2: People tended to lose points because their argument as to why u = U f(eta) wasn't sufficiently rigorous. A fair number then tried to solve the variable coefficient ODE with an exp(lambda y) ansatz! Q3: Derivation of parallel flow equations (with proper arguments for each step) was generally done quite badly. Q4: Dimensional arguments often rather incomplete (e.g.: yes, we need 1/r "outside" the function, but why can it not appear "inside"; etc. As often with "show that" questions, people were sometimes a bit too quick to (allegedly) reach the result -- I do read the entire argument, you know... Q5: A large number of students felt the need to derive a solution to the biharmonic equation from first principles even though question (c) said explicitly to construct it from the "catalogue" of solutions in cylindrical polars provided. They typically didn't get anywhere. Practially everybody who didn't fall for that hurdle tended to get lost in the ensuing algebra, but I tended to mark attempts at trawling through this generously.