You want visualiser scans/solutions? Give me feedback first!

Information of how to submit your feedback are on this university website:

Your opinion counts! Complete your Unit Surveys and have your say and MAKE SURE I GET MY CHOCOLATE! (The Department are so obsessed by this survey that lecturers are offered a chocolate bar if their return rate reaches 50%. And I do like chocolate!) But seriously, I'd genuinely appreciate feedback (good or bad!); ideally include some written comments since they are easier to interpret than mere numbers.

Done? If so, here are

[Note: It's extremely unlikely that I would have hacked the university system to find out who's downloading these pdf files despite not having filled in the feedback form, but then you don't know for sure how evil I am, do you...? Best not to take any risks, so do it -- now! As I said in the lecture I'd appreciate at least one "written comment" from everybody. You must have something to say that may improve the course for future generations of students. (Saying that everything was great is legal too...). Thank you!]

Page last modified: December, 2019

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