Proximity induced
Anisotropic quantum transport in EuTiO3
The quest for materials with high carrier mobility and controllable spin-polarizability continues to be one of the primary endeavors in the field of spintronics. Such materials have the potential to revolutionize many areas of energy and information technologies, enabling a quantum leap in processing and storing the data in electronic devices. The combination of high carrier mobility and spin-polarizability has, however, proven to be a challenging task. In practice, any form of magnetization tends to enhance the scattering rate of the charge carriers, thereby adversely affecting their mobility. we have recently demonstrated that EuTiO3 is a rare example of a magnetic semiconductor that can possess a high carrier mobility while exhibiting a strong magnetization whose direction can be desirably controlled via an external magnetic field. We have also found that this system can exhibit a high-degree of quantum coherence, manifesting as strong oscillations in magneto-resistance, also known as Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect, with distinct directional anisotropy. Our first-principles calculations have further revealed that such a directional anisotropy in the SdH oscillations stems from a proximity-induced exchange coupling between Eu-4f moments and 3d carriers at the Fermi level. Altogether, our findings shed new light into quantum transport phenomena in magnetic materials offering a new paradigm for manipulating the spin, charge and orbital degrees of freedom of conducting electrons and their interplay with each other.

Schematic illustration of proximity induced ferromagnetism in EuTio3 (left panel). The in-gap Eu-f bands can couple each other through RKKY-type exchange interaction with Ti-3d conduction bands. This accordingly shifts the carriers with majority spin character, leading to full spin polarization of electrical transport. The resulting quantum oscillations in resistivity shows a directional anisotropy (top right) with strong depedence on the carrier denisty (bottom right).