Valence-skipping controlled
Superconductivity in Ge1-xInxTe

Variation of physical quantities in Ge1−xInxTe. (a) Pseudocubic unit-cell volume for rhombohedral ( x<0.12) and cubic structure ( x>0.12) at 300 K. (b) Zero-field resistivity at 300 K (red open symbols) and at low T (blue filled symbols; at 2 K for x≤0.25 and above Tc for larger x). (c) Charge-carrier concentration n at 300 K. Note that n for x≥0.25 (dashed-dotted vertical line) are multiplied by 0.1 for clarity. (d) Superconducting Tc as estimated from resistivity, specific heat, and magnetization. The error bars for data points below x=0.16 indicate that these samples do not superconduct down to approx. 400 mK. (e) Normal-state electronic specific-heat coefficients γn. (f) Electron-phonon coupling strength deduced from specific-heat data. Dotted lines are guides to the eyes, solid horizontal lines in (c)–(e) indicate baselines, and the dashed vertical lines denote xc=0.12.