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Welcome to Cyber-Geography Research CyberGeography is the study of the spatial nature of computer communications networks, particularly the Internet, the World-Wide Web and other electronic "places" that exist behind our computer screens, popularly referred to as cyberspace. Cybergeography encompasses a wide range of geographical phenomena from the study of the physical infrastructure, traffic flows, the demographics of the new cyberspace communities, to the perception and visualisation of these new digital spaces. In addition, the potential geographical impacts of Cyberspace technologies on real-space needs to be examined. There are many geographies of cyberspace and many geographical approaches to study them. The emphasis of Cyber-Geography Research tends to be on the more quantitative aspects of measuring and mapping the geography of cyberspaces. The Cyber-Geography Research initiative is directed by Martin Dodge, a geographer and enthusiastic cyberspace explorer. He is a researcher in the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London. Cyber-Geography Research has no official funding as such and is an academic research project. Cyber-Geography Research maintains three major publications on the Web that provide a comprehensive catalogue of information resources, data sources, maps of the Internet and visualisations of the Web as well as and articles on all aspects of cybergeography. They are the: The Geography of Cyberspace Directory was started in 1996 as a Web resource listing of annotated hyperlinks and references on all aspects of the geographies of the Internet, Web and other Cyberspaces. The Directory is regularly updated and includes sections on "Mapping the Internet", "Global Internet Diffusion" and "Visualising Information Spaces". The Atlas of Cyberspaces contains a wealth of fascinating maps and graphic representations created to visualise Cyberspaces. The maps range from conventional cartographic ones of network infrastructure to information space maps using abstract graphic metaphors. The Atlas contains distinct pages covering different types and purposes of maps, including information landscapes, ISP backbone maps and historical maps of ARPANET and the Internet. Mirror sites of the Atlas are available for Europe (kindly provided by the Department of Geography, UCL) and Australia / Asia-Pacific (kindly provided by Planet Mirror) as well as an Italian language (generously provided by the National Museum of Science and Technology, Milan) and a French language mirror site (translation by Nicolas Guillard). Map of Month provides detailed analysis of one example map of the Internet each month, usually with an interview with the person who created the map. The articles are published in Mappa.Mundi Magazine. Cyber-Geography Research is proud to present a new book for 2001.
Cyber-Geography Research also provides an email bulletin to registered readers with details of new information added to the Geography of Cyberspace Directory and Atlas of Cyberspaces resources. The bulletin is free and is sent out on a semi-monthly basis. Also available is the moderated Mapping-Cyberspace discussion list. The Cyber-Geography Research Web site is kindly hosted and sponsored by Corpex (www.corpex.com). Comments? Your comments, suggestions and criticisms are welcome. Please email them to Martin Dodge (m.dodge@NOSPAMMYucl.ac.uk remove the NOSPAMMY bit).
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Atlas of Cyberspaces
Mirror] [Italian Language Mirror]
Language Mirror] [Australian
/ Asia-Pacific Mirror]