To Peyresq by public transport

By air Fly to Nice International Airport.
From there, take a bus to the train station. There is a fast shuttle bus from the airport to the gare routière (bus terminus), and from there one can get another bus to the station. Otherwise there is a direct bus to the main station, and from there one has to walk 5-10 minutes to the Gare de Provence.

By train to the main station, Nice Ville.
From there it is 5-10 minutes walk to the Gare de Provence.

From Nice Ville to Gare de Provence: Turn left out of Nice Ville station, along Avenue Thiers to the main street: Rue Massena. Turn left again (under the railway bridge) and proceed up the main street till you come to a large square, Place Charles de Gaulle (previously and more commonly known as Place de la Liberation). The Gare de Provence is hidden behind the large building on your left!

From the Gare de Provence take the picturesque train, called the ``Train des Pignes'', which goes from Nice through the mountains to Digne. You must alight at Annot where you can be met at the station. Since Annot is about 30mins drive from Peyresq, I need to know in advance which train to meet.

From Nice there are only
4 trains a day to Annot:
And similarly from
Annot to Nice:
Nice Annot

Useful phone numbers:
Gare de Provence:
(+33)-(0)4 97 03 80 80
Fondation Peiresc:
tel: (+33)-(0)4 92 83 37 32
fax : (+33)-(0)4 92 83 37 67
e-mail :
James Montaldi
Last modified: Wed Aug 23 18:04:45 BST 2000