University of Houston
Postdoctoral position in applied dynamical systems
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Houston
expects to have a one-year postdoctoral position, beginning
August 2001, in the field of Applied Dynamical Systems
specializing in applications involving symmetry. The dynamics
group consists of Michael Field, Martin Golubitsky, and Andrew
Torok. This position will include one course per semester
teaching. Every attempt will be made to secure funding
lengthening this position to a two-year one.
Applicants should send a curriculum vita and a description of
research interests, and should arrange for 2-3 letters of
reference to be sent to:
Martin Golubitsky
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3476
phone: (+ 1) 713-743-3490
fax: (+ 1) 713-743-3505
web click here
Full consideration will be given to those applications received by
February 15, 2001; however, all applications will be given
consideration until the available position is filled. Electronic
applications are encouraged.