Toxicology 2



  • Form of occupational lung disease
  • Asbestos used for centuries as flame retardant
  • Exposure to asbestos dust worsened by enclosed spaces
  • Symptoms 5-10 years after exposure
  • Fibre size results in inability of macrophages to digest them
    • Aspect ratio critical
  • 2 types of fibres
    • Amphibole (thin, straight), primary disease causer - penetrates deep into lungs
      • Amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, actinolite
    • Serpentine (curved)
      • Chrysolite
  • Reach alveoli, activate inflammatory response
  • Macrophages phagocytose but fibres resistant to digestion
  • Macrophages rupture
  • Attract more macrophages, fibroblasts
  • Progressive fibrosis of the lung tissue
  • Pleural thickening and calcification
  • Asbestos bodies - structures formed by protein encapsulation
  • Malignant neoplasms e.g. mesothelioma
