
Service to the community requires Rotarians to devote their time, energy and professional skills to particular humanitarian projects. Although funds are often raised for charity this is not a Rotary club's first aim. The emphasis is on helping the community at large and facilitating fundraising.


Community service is the traditional and well-known face of Rotary. It covers practical help and advice to the aged, those with disabilities, young people and all those in need, either directly or through local charitable organisations. The club is always looking to get involved in new projects.

Social and fellowship

Fellowship and fun are core aspects of the Rotary Club. The club has regular meetings to transact its ongoing business and service projects. Other activities are also organised over the course of a year, including social events and weekends away.


Vocational projects support training and job development, provide mock interviews, encourage the development of skills in employment, and foster the highest standards in business and the professions. Members are able to learn much about other professions in addition to enjoying visits to places of work, for example a brewery. Recent speakers have included representatives of the Commonwealth Games 2002 and the Millennium Experience

Youth activities

Rotary works hard to ensure that future generations are provided with many development opportunities. Rotary supports a number of schemes which allow the world’s youth to gain new skills and have confidence in their future. Work with local schools is particularly important. Rotary organises several different types of international exchange, along with "Youth Speaks" and a choral competition.