MT training for business people and translators |
Orie Miyazawa University of Wolverhampton, England |
Teaching MT - An Indian perspective |
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay Jadavpur University, Kolkata,
India |
MT and the Swiss language service providers: An analysis and
training perspective |
Elia Yuste Universität Zürich, Switzerland |
Teaching MT and Computer-Assisted Translation tools in Greece:
The state of the art |
Dimitra Kalantzi UMIST, Manchester, England |
Teaching contrastive linguistics for MT |
Paul Bennett UMIST, Manchester, England |
Testing students’ understanding of complex transfer |
Andy Way Dublin City University, Ireland |
Teaching MT with XEpisteme |
J. Gabriel Amores Universidad de Sevilla, Spain |
Architectures of “toy” systems for teaching Machine
Translation |
Walther v. Hahn and Cristina Vertan Universität Hamburg,
Germany |
An MT learning environment for computational linguistics
students |
Svetlana Sheremeteyva Handelshøjskolen i København,
Denmark |
Teaching MT through pre-editing |
Chi-Chiang Shei National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
Teaching post-editing: A proposal for course content |
Sharon O’Brien Dublin City University, Ireland |
Controlled translation: A new teaching scenario tailor-made for
the translation industry |
Enrique Torrejón and Celia Rico Universidad Europea
CEES,Madrid, Spain |
Freelance translators and machine translation: An
investi- gation of perceptions, uptake, experience and training
needs |
Heather Fulford Loughborough University, England |
Combining MT and CAT on a technology-oriented translation
Masters |
Mark Shuttleworth Imperial College, London , England |
Teaching MT evaluation by assessed portfolio |
Judith Belam University of Exeter, England |
Explaining real MT to translators: Compositional semantics and
word-for-word |
Mikel L. Forcada Universitat d’Alacant, Spain |
Using free on-line services in MT teaching |
Federico Gaspari UMIST, Manchester, England |
Teaching Commercial MT to translators: Bridging the gap between
human and machine |
Natalie Kübler Université Paris 7,
France |