Coling 2008Manchester, 18-22 August, 2008The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics |
From a total of 612 submissions including full papers, posters and demos, we have accepted:
Dr Elizabeth Shriberg, Senior Research Psycholinguist Speech Technology & Research Laboratory, SRI International, Menlo Park CA and International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley CA | |
Prof John Shawe-Taylor, Director Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning University College London |
Two-phased event relation acquisition: coupling the relation-oriented and argument-oriented approaches | Shuya Abe, Kentaro Inui and Yuji Matsumoto |
A supervised algorithm for verb disambiguation into VerbNet classes | Omri Abend, Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport |
On robustness and domain adaptation using SVD for word sense disambiguation | Eneko Agirre and Oier Lopez de Lacalle |
An improved hierarchical Bayesian model of language for document classification | Ben Allison |
Improving alignments for better confusion networks for combining machine translation systems | Necip Fazil Ayan, Jing Zheng and Wen Wang |
Verification and implementation of language-based deception indicators in civil and criminal narratives | Joan Bachenko, Eileen Fitzpatrick and Michael Schonwetter |
Enhancing multilingual latent semantic analysis with term alignment information | Brett Bader and Peter Chew |
Weakly supervised supertagging with grammar-informed initialization | Jason Baldridge |
Good neighbors make good senses: exploiting distributional similarity for unsupervised wsd | Samuel Brody and Mirella Lapata |
Classifying dialogue actions in tutorial dialogue | Mark Buckley and Magdalena Wolska |
An affordance-based approach to noun-compound interpretation | Cristina Butnariu and Tony Veale |
Comparing the benefits of WordNet's semantic similarity with simple morpho-syntactic features for the resolution of noun phrase coordination ambiguity | Ekaterina Buyko and Udo Hahn |
Parametric: an automatic evaluation metric for paraphrasing | Chris Callison-Burch, Trevor Cohn and Mirella Lapata |
Other-anaphora resolution in biomedical texts with automatic mined patterns | Bin Chen, Xiaofeng Yang, Jian Su and Chew Lim Tan |
Improve SMT through hypotheses regeneration | Boxing Chen, Min Zhang, Ai Ti Aw and Haizhou Li |
Learning reliable information for dependency parsing adaptation | Wenliang Chen and Hitoshi Isahara |
Latent morpho-semantic analysis: multilingual information retrieval with character n-grams and mutual information | Peter A. Chew, Brett W. Bader and Ahmed Abdelali |
Sentence compression beyond word deletion | Trevor Cohn and Mirella Lapata |
Mind the gap: dangers of divorcing evaluations of summary content from linguistic quality | John Conroy and Hoa Trang Dang |
Hybrid processing for grammar and style checking | Berthold Crysmann, Nuria Bertomeu, Peter Adolphs, Daniel Flickinger and Tina Klüwer |
KnowNet: building a large net of knowledge from the web | Montse Cuadros and German Rigau |
A classifier-based approach to preposition and determiner error correction in L2 English | Rachele De Felice and Stephen Pulman |
Pedagogically useful extractive summaries for science education | Sebastian de la Chica, Faisal Ahmad, James H. Martin and Tamara Sumner |
Re-estimation of lexical parameters for treebank PCFGs | Tejaswini Deoskar |
Looking for trouble | Stijn De Saeger, Kentaro Torisawa and Jun'ichi Kazama |
Representations for category disambiguation | Markus Dickinson |
Syntactic reordering integrated with phrase-based SMT | Jakob Elming |
Efficiently parsing with the product-free Lambek calculus | Timothy A. D. Fowler |
A probabilistic model for measuring grammaticality and similarity of automatically generated paraphrases of predicate phrases | Atsushi Fujita and Satoshi Sato |
Retrieving bilingual verb-noun collocations by integrating cross-language category hierarchies | Fumiyo Fukumoto, Yoshimi Suzuki and Kazuyuki Yamashita |
Mining opinions in comparative sentences | Murthy Ganapathibhotla and Bing Liu |
Semantic principles | Claire Gardent |
Statistical anaphora resolution in biomedical texts | Caroline Gasperin |
Instance-based ontology population exploiting named-entity substitution | Claudio Giuliano and Alfio Gliozzo |
Measuring topic homogeneity and its application to dictionary-based word sense disambiguation | Ann Gledson and John Keane |
Using web-search results to measure word-group similarity | Ann Gledson and John Keane |
An algorithm for adverbial aspect shift | Sabine Gruender |
Dependency-based n-gram models for general purpose sentence realisation | Yuqing Guo, Josef van Genabith and Haifeng Wang |
Homotopy-based semi-supervised hidden Markov models for sequence labeling | Gholamreza Haffari and Anoop Sarkar |
Tracking the dynamic evolution of participants salience in a discussion | Ahmed Hassan, Anthony Fader, Michael Crespin, Kevin Quinn, Burt Monroe, Michael Colaresi and Dragomir Radev |
Improving statistical machine translation using lexicalized rule selection | Zhongjun He, Qun Liu and Shouxun Lin |
Evaluating unsupervised part-of-speech tagging for grammar induction | William Headden, David McClosky and Eugene Charniak |
Using discourse commitments to recognize textual entailment | Andrew Hickl |
Modeling Chinese documents with topical word-character models | Wei Hu, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Hiroshi Nakagawa and Huanye Sheng |
Generation of referring expressions: managing structural ambiguities | Imtiaz Hussain Khan, Graeme Ritchie and Kees van Deemter |
Non-compositional language model and pattern dictionary development for Japanese compound and complex sentences | Satoru Ikehara, Masato Tokuhisa and Jin'ichi Murakami |
Japanese dependency parsing using tournament model | Masakazu Iwatate, Masayuki Asahara and Yuji Matsumoto |
Contents modelling of Neo-Sumerian Ur III economic text corpus | Wojciech Jaworski |
Generating Chinese couplets using a statistical MT approach | Long Jiang and Ming Zhou |
Word lattice reranking for Chinese word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging | Wenbin Jiang, Haitao Mi, Yajuan Lv and Qun Liu |
The effect of syntactic representation on semantic role labeling | Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues |
Using hidden Markov random fields to combine distribution and co-occurrence for word clustering | Nobuhiro Kaji and Masaru Kitsuregawa |
Textual demand analysis: detection of users’ wants and needs from opinions | Hiroshi Kanayama and Tetsuya Nasukawa |
A local alignment kernel in practice : a relation extraction task | Sophia Katrenko and Pieter Adriaans |
Coordination disambiguation without any similarities | Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi |
Normalizing SMS: are two metaphors better than one ? | Catherine Kobus, François Yvon and Géraldine Damnati |
The choice of features for classification of verbs in biomedical texts | Anna Korhonen, Yuval Krymolowski and Nigel Collier |
Extending a thesaurus with words from pan-Chinese sources | Oi Yee Kwong and Benjamin K. Tsou |
Stopping criteria for active learning of named entity recognition | Florian Laws and Hinrich Schütze |
Reading the markets: forecasting public opinion of political candidates by news analysis | Kevin Lerman, Ari Gilder, Mark Dredze and Fernando Pereira |
Classifying what-type questions by head noun tagging | Fangtao Li, Xian Zhang, Jinhui Yuan and Xiaoyan Zhu |
PNR2: ranking sentences with positive and negative reinforcement for query-oriented update summarization | Wenjie Li, Furu Wei, Yanxiang He and Qin Lu |
Understanding and summarizing answers in community-based question answering services | Yuanjie Liu, Shasha Li, Yunbo Cao, Chin-Yew Lin, Dingyi Han and Yong Yu |
Tera-scale statistical translation models via pattern matching | Adam Lopez |
Authorship attribution and verification with many authors and limited data | Kim Luyckx and Walter Daelemans |
Modeling semantic containment and exclusion in natural language inference | Bill MacCartney and Christopher D. Manning |
Linguistically-based sub-sentential alignment for terminology extraction from a bilingual automotive corpus | Lieve Macken, Els Lefever and Veronique Hoste |
Hindi Urdu machine transliteration using finite-state transducers | M G Abbas Malik, Christian Boitet and Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
Comparative parser performance analysis across grammar frameworks through automatic tree conversion using synchronous grammars | Takuya Matsuzaki and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
What's the date? High accuracy interpretation of weekday names | Pawel Mazur and Robert Dale |
When is self-training effective for parsing? | David McClosky, Eugene Charniak and Mark Johnson |
A unified syntactic model for parsing fluent and disfluent speech | Tim Miller and William Schuler |
Applying discourse analysis and data mining methods to spoken OSCE assessments | Meladel Mistica, Timothy Baldwin, Marisa Cordella and Simon Musgrave |
Random restarts in minimum error rate training for statistical machine translation | Robert C. Moore and Chris Quirk |
Robust similarity measures for named entities matching | Erwan Moreau, François Yvon and Olivier Cappé |
Modeling the structure and dynamics of the consonant inventories: a complex network approach | Animesh Mukherjee, Monojit Choudhury, Anupam Basu and Niloy Ganguly |
Detecting multiple facets of an event using graph-based unsupervised methods | Pradeep Muthukrishnan, Joshua Gerrish and Dragomir Radev |
Investigating statistical techniques for sentence-level event classification | Martina Naughton, Nicola Stokes and Joe Carthy |
Feature selection for pronoun resolution towards domain adaptation | Ngan L.T. Nguyen |
Computer aided correction and extension of a syntactic wide-coverage lexicon | Lionel Nicolas, Benoît Sagot, Jacques Farré, Miguel Angel Molinero Alvarez and Eric De la Clergerie |
Parsing the SynTagRus treebank of Russian | Joakim Nivre, Igor M. Boguslavsky and Leonid K. Iomdin |
A discriminative alignment model for abbreviation recognition | Naoaki Okazaki and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
Semantic classification with distributional kernels | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha and Ann Copestake |
Towards semantic role labelling for event nominalisations through bootstrapping from verbal data | Sebastian Pado, Marco Pennacchiotti and Caroline Sporleder |
Recent advances in a feature-rich framework for treebank annotation | Petr Pajas and Jan Štepánek |
A joint information model for n-best ranking | Patrick Pantel and Vishnu Vyas |
Scientific paper summarization using citation summary networks | Vahed Qazvinian and Dragomir R. Radev |
Exploiting constituent dependencies for tree kernel-based semantic relation extraction | Longhua Qian, Guodong Zhou, Fang Kong and Qiaoming Zhu |
A method for automatic POS guessing of unknown words | Likun Qiu, Changjian Hu and Kai Zhao |
Almost flat functional semantics for speech translation | Manny Rayner, Pierrette Bouillon, Beth Ann Hockey and Yukie Nakao |
Unsupervised induction of labeled parse trees by clustering with syntactic features | Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport |
Anomalies in the WordNet verb hierarchy | Tom Richens |
Translating queries into snippets for improved query expansion | Stefan Riezler, Yi Liu and Alexander Vasserman |
Classifying chart cells for quadratic complexity context-free inference | Brian Roark and Kristy Hollingshead |
Shift-reduce dependency DAG parsing | Kenji Sagae and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
Event frame extraction based on a gene regulation corpus | Yutaka Sasaki, Paul Thompson, Philip Cotter, John McNaught and Sophia Ananiadou |
A fully-lexicalized probabilistic model for Japanese zero anaphora resolution | Ryohei Sasano, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi |
Estimation of conditional probabilities with decision trees and an application to fine-grained POS tagging | Helmut Schmid |
Toward a psycholinguistically-motivated model of language processing | William Schuler, Samir AbdelRahman, Tim Miller and Lane Schwartz |
Metric learning for synonym acquisition | Nobuyuki Shimizu, Masato Hagiwara, Yasuhiro Ogawa, Katsuhiko Toyama and Hiroshi Nakagawa |
Discourse level opinion interpretation | Swapna Somasundaran, Janyce Wiebe and Josef Ruppenhofer |
Acquiring sense tagged examples using relevance feedback | Mark Stevenson, Yinkun Guo and Robert Gaizauskas |
Topic identification for fine-grained opinion analysis | Veselin Stoyanov and Claire Cardie |
From word to sense: a case study of subjectivity recognition | Fangzhong Su and Katja Markert |
Prediction of maximal projection for semantic role labeling | Weiwei Sun, Zhifang Sui and Haifeng Wang |
Modeling latent-dynamics in shallow parsing | Xu Sun, Louis-Philippe Morency and Daisuke Okanohara |
Learning entailment rules for unary templates | Idan Szpektor and Ido Dagan |
Experiments with reasoning for temporal relations between events | Marta Tatu and Munirathnam Srikanth |
The ups and downs of evaluating preposition error detection in non-native English writing | Joel Tetreault and Martin Chodorow |
A framework for identifying textual redundancy | Kapil Thadani and Kathleen McKeown |
Emotion classification using massive examples extracted from the web | Ryoko Tokuhisa, Kentaro Inui and Yuji Matsumoto |
Relational-realizational parsing | Reut Tsarfaty |
Training conditional random fields using incomplete annotations | Yuta Tsuboi, Hisashi Kashima, Shinsuke Mori, Hiroki Oda and Yuji Matsumoto |
A uniform approach to analogies, synonyms, antonyms, and associations | Peter Turney |
Tighter integration of rule-based and statistical MT in serial system combination | Nicola Ueffing, Jens Stephan, Evgeny Matusov, Loïc Dugast, George Foster, Roland Kuhn, Jean Senellart and Jin Yang |
Using three way data for word sense discrimination | Tim Van de Cruys |
Class-driven attribute extraction | Benjamin Van Durme, Ting Qian and Lenhart Schubert |
Source language markers in Europarl translations | Hans van Halteren |
A fluid knowledge representation for understanding and generating creative metaphors | Tony Veale and Yanfen Hao |
Using syntactic information for improving why-question answering | Suzan Verberne, Lou Boves, Nelleke Oostdijk and Peter-Arno Coppen |
Coreference systems based on kernels methods | Yannick Versley, Alessandro Moschitti, Massimo Poesio and Xiaofeng Yang |
Collabrank: towards a collaborative approach to single-document keyphrase extraction | Xiaojun Wan |
Investigating the portability of corpus-derived cue phrases for dialogue act classification | Nick Webb and Ting Liu |
Extractive summarization using supervised and semi-supervised learning | Kam-Fai Wong, Mingli Wu and Wenjie Li |
Domain adaptation for statistical machine translation with domain dictionary and monolingual corpora | Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang and Chengqing Zong |
Exploiting graph structure for accelerating the calculation of shortest paths in wordnets | Holger Wunsch |
Linguistically annotated BTG for statistical machine translation | Deyi Xiong, Min Zhang, Aiti Aw and Haizhou Li |
Bayesian semi-supervised Chinese word segmentation for statistical machine translation | Jia Xu, Jianfeng Gao, Kristina Toutanova and Hermann Ney |
Switching to real-time tasks in multi-tasking dialogue | Fan Yang, Peter A. Heeman and Andrew Kun |
Chinese term extraction using minimal resources | Yuhang Yang, Qin Lu and Tiejun Zhao |
Measuring and predicting orthographic associations: modelling the similarity of Japanese kanji | Lars Yencken and Timothy Baldwin |
An integrated probabilistic and logic approach to encyclopedia relation extraction with multiple features | Xiaofeng YU and Wai LAM |
Chinese dependency parsing with large scale automatically constructed case structures | Kun Yu, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi |
OntoNotes: corpus cleanup of mistaken agreement using word sense disambiguation | Liang-Chih Yu, Chung-Hsien Wu and Eduard Hovy |
Automatic seed word selection for unsupervised sentiment classification of Chinese text | Taras Zagibalov and John Carroll |
Generalized Uno and Yagiura's algorithm for alignment decomposition | Hao Zhang, Daniel Gildea and David Chiang |
Grammar comparison study for translational equivalence modeling and statistical machine translation | Min Zhang, Hongfei Jiang, Haizhou Li, Aiti Aw and Sheng Li |
Sentence type based reordering model for statistical machine translation | Jiajun Zhang and chengqing zong |
Automatic generation of parallel treebanks | Ventsislav Zhechev and Andy Way |
A hybrid generative/discriminative framework to train a semantic parser from an un-annotated corpus | Deyu Zhou and Yulan He |
Diagnostic evaluation of machine translation systems using automatically constructed linguistic check-points | Ming Zhou, Bo Wang, Shujie Liu, Mu Li and Tiejun Zhao |
Active learning with sampling by uncertainty and density for word sense disambiguation and text classification | Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Benjamin Tsou |
Multi-criteria-based strategy to stop active learning for data annotation | Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Eduard Hovy |
A systematic comparison of phrase-based, hierarchical and syntax-augmented statistical mt | Andreas Zollmann, Ashish Venugopal, Franz Och and Jay Ponte |
To reorder or not to reorder effects of word reordering in statistical machine translation | Simon Zwarts and Mark Dras |
Metaphor in textual entailment | Rodrigo Agerri and John Barnden |
Discourse based opinion categorization: a preliminary study | Nicholas Asher, Farah Benamara and Yvettes Yannick Mathieu |
Towards incremental end-of-utterance detection in dialogue systems | Michaela Atterer, Timo Baumann and David Schlangen |
The power of negative thinking: exploiting label disagreement in the min-cut classification framework | Mohit Bansal, Claire Cardie and Lillian Lee |
Phrasal segmentation models for statistical machine translation | Graeme Blackwood, Adria de Gispert and William Byrne |
A scalable MMR approach to sentence scoring for multi-document update summarization | Florian Boudin, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno and Marc El-Bèze |
Hindi compound verbs and their automatic extraction | Debasri Chakrabarti, Hemang Mandalia, Ritwik Priya, Vaijayanthi Sarma and Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
Detecting erroneous uses of complex postpositions in an agglutinative language | Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, Koldo Gojenola and Maite Oronoz |
Underspecified modelling of complex discourse constraints | Markus Egg and Michaela Regneri |
Construct state modification in the Arabic treebank: further analysis and improvements | Ryan Gabbard and Seth Kulick |
The impact of reference quality on automatic MT evaluation | Olivier Hamon and Djamel Mostefa |
Word sense disambiguation for all words using tree-structured conditional random fields | Jun Hatori, Yusuke Miyao and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
Conceptual representation and ILP-based analysis for Chinese NPs | Dong Paul Ji |
Scaling up analogical learning | Philippe Langlais and François Yvon |
Multilingual alignments by monolingual string differences | Adrien Lardilleux and Yves Lepage |
Bayes risk-based dialogue management for document retrieval system with speech interface | Teruhisa Misu and Tatsuya Kawahara |
Exact inference for multi-label classification using sparse graphical models | Yusuke Miyao and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
Modeling multilinguality in ontologies | Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, Asunción Gómez-Pérez and Wim Peters |
Quantification and implication in calendar expressions represented with finite-state transducers | Jyrki Niemi and Kimmo Koskenniemi |
Experiments in discriminating phrase-based translations on the basis of syntactic coupling features | Vassilina Nikoulina and Marc Dymetman |
Using very simple statistics for review search: an exploration | Bo Pang and Lillian Lee |
Generation under space constraints | Cecile Paris, Nathalie Colineau, Andrew Lampert and Joan Giralt Duran |
A language-independent approach to keyphrase extraction and evaluation | Mari-Sanna Paukkeri, Ilari Nieminen, Matti Pöllä and Timo Honkela |
Easily identifiable discourse relations | Emily Pitler, Mridhula Raghupathy, Hena Mehta, Ani Nenkova, Alan Lee and Aravind Joshi |
Rank distance as a stylistic similarity | Marius Popescu and Liviu Dinu |
Integrating motion predicate classes with spatial and temporal annotations | James Pustejovsky and Jessica Moszkowicz |
Comparative evaluation of Arabic language morphological analysers and stemmers | Majdi Sawalha and Eric Atwell |
A complete and modestly funny system for generating and performing Japanese stand-up comedy | Jonas Sjobergh and Kenji Araki |
On the weak generative capacity of weighted context-free grammars | Anders Søgaard |
Range concatenation grammars for translation | Anders Søgaard |
On "redundancy" in selecting attributes for generating referring expressions | Philipp Spanger, Takehiro Kurosawa and Takenobu Tokunaga |
Construction of an infrastructure for providing users with suitable language resources | Hitomi Tohyama, Shunsuke Kozawa, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Shigeki Matsubara and Hitoshi Isahara |
Experiments in base-NP chunking and its role in dependency parsing for Thai | Shisanu Tongchim, Virach Sornlertlamvanich and Hitoshi Isahara |
Building a bilingual lexicon using phrase-based statistical machine translation via a pivot language | Takashi Tsunakawa, Naoaki Okazaki and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
Explaining similarity of terms | Vishnu Vyas and Patrick Pantel |
Robust and efficient Chinese word dependency analysis with linear kernel support vector machines | Yu-Chieh Wu |
Sentence compression as a step in summarization or an alternative path in text shortening | Mehdi Yousfi-Monod and Violaine Prince |
Online-monitoring security-related events | Martin Atkinson, Jakub Piskorski, Bruno Pouliquen, Ralf Steinberger, Hristo Tanev and Vanni Zavarella |
Semantic visualization and meaning computation | Venant Fabienne |
A grammar checking system for Punjabi | Mandeep Gill and Gurpreet Lehal |
A toolchain for grammarians | Bruno Guillaume, Joseph Le Roux, Jonathan Marchand, Guy Perrier, Karën Fort and Jennifer Planul |
A Punjabi to Hindi machine translation system | Gurpreet Singh Josan and Gurpreet Singh Lehal |
Advanced dialogue tools for automatically generating information state update dialogue systems from business user resources | Oliver Lemon, Xingkun Liu and Hastie Helen |
Multilingual mobile-phone translation services for world travelers | Michael Paul, Hideo Okuma, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Eiichiro Sumita, Shigeki Matsuda, Tohru Shimizu and Satoshi Nakamura |
Multilingual assistant for medical diagnosing and drug prescription based on category ranking | Fernando Ruiz-Rico, Jose-Luis Vicedo and María-Consuelo Rubio-Sánchez |
Entailment-based question answering for structured data | Bogdan Sacaleanu, Christian Spurk, Constantin Orasan, Oscar Ferrandez, Milen Kouylekov, Matteo Negri and Shiyan Ou |
Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi transliteration system | Tejinder Singh Saini and Gurpreet Singh Lehal |
A linguistic knowledge discovery tool: Very large ngram database search with arbitrary wildcards | Satoshi Sekine |
Temporal processing with the TARSQI toolkit | Marc Verhagen and James Pustejovsky |