Farshad Arvin PhD, CEng Farshad is a Lecturer in Robotics at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester. He was a Post-Doc Research Associate (PDRA) at Robotics for Extreme Environments Lab (REEL) (July 2015 to July 2018), School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in The University of Manchester, UK. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Lincoln, UK. He was a Research Assistant at the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL) at the University of Lincoln under the supervision of Professor Shigang Yue. He received his B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering and M.Sc. degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 2004 and 2010, respectively. His research interests include autonomous robots, swarm robotics and signal processing. He was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship to be involved in the FP7- EYE2E and LIVCODE projects during his Ph.D. study. He visited the Institute of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China from September 2012 to August 2013 as a senior visiting scholar under the supervision of Professor Zhihua Wang. Farshad visited the Institute of Rehabilitation and Medical Robotics in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China in 2014 under the supervision of Professor Caihua Xiong. |
Robotics for Extreme Environment Lab, REEL
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  The University of Manchester Sackville Street Building, Manchester, M13 9PL Email: farshad.arvin (at) manchester.ac.uk |
Press & media coverage
Photonics Online: 'Honeybee' Robots Replicate Swarm Behaviour |