Designed as a tool to further understanding of cloud chamber experiments, pyACPIM is a easy to use cloud parcel model. The model is open access, and will soon be released on the EUROCHAMP-2020 website.

As input the model requires an aerosol size distribution, described as a lognormal distribution in terms of number, median diameter and width of the distribution. Any number of lognormal size distributions (or modes) can be used. These modes can be of any composition and internally and/or externally mixed. Initial values for temperature, pressure and RH are also required. The temperature and pressure drop rates are prescribed following fits to observations of a given chamber experiment. As output the model provides the number concentration of drops and ice crystals as well as liquid and ice water content. Temperature, pressure and RH are also outputted.

The model is based on the underlying physics of the Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation-Interactions Model and uses binned cloud microphysics where the growth and activation of aerosol particles into cloud drops follows Kappa-Koehler theory, and ice nucleation follows the ice-active-surface-site-density parameterisation. Further development of the model to include the condensation of semi-volatile compounds is underway.

Model Demo


pyACPIM will be presented as a poster at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting on

Thursday 13:40 - 18:00

Title : New Modelling Tool for the Interpretation of Cloud Chamber Experiments

Session : Atmospheric Aerosol Processes Across Scales

Location: Walter E Washington Convention Center - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)

More information : click here
