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lecture 9: styling

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White boxes and grey buttons are not necessarily the most visually-appealing combination, particularly not on a site with its own, distinctive visual style. It is quite straightforward to style forms, but for some reason it is rarely done. I wonder if this is to do with the preponderance of sites written using Dreamweaver or Front Page. In both of these packages, styling forms is quite a tortuous process, despite the fact that when hand-coding, it's quite straightforward. This is a classic case of where dependence on a generator can blind designers to some of the creative possibilities of HTML.

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(Type something into the text boxes to see how the text colour and font have changed from the default.)

This isn't perfect, as you can see - radio and check boxes are still a bit awkward - but it's not bad, and it's also very easy. All I've done is created a "generic" style sheet class, with fairly straightforward properties:

.turquoise { background-color: #008b8b; color: #ffffff; font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, sans-serif; }

...and then included class="turquoise" in each of the <input> tags. Simple!

You can also use styles on the three form accessibility tags (see previous slide): <label>, <legend> and <fieldset>. All in all, you can get a reasonable amount of control over the appearance of your form, should this matter to you.