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lecture 6: self-test

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practical skills - lecture 6

The end of lecture 6 marks the end of the Web Design Core. It is difficult to summarise the standard you should (or could) have reached by now in pithy bullet points; I would suggest that you rely more on the week 8 course work as the main test of your abilities. In terms of this lecture alone, however, you should:

  • feel confident about using a code validator to check the well-formedness and validity of your HTML
  • be automatically including basic accessibility techniques such as alt attributes, meaningful link text and resizeable text on your web pages
  • understand some basic usability principles such as consistency of layout, including home page links and so on, and be applying them to your web site when appropriate
  • know how and why to include <meta> tags in your pages
  • be aware of the importance of the laws about copyright and defamation, and how not to fall foul of them.

If you are unsure about any of these things, work on them until you are. Remember you can ask an ACOM demonstrator for help: that is what they are there for.

SORRY: automatic self-tests not currently online

test questions - lecture 6

Follow this link to see this lecture's multiple choice questions.