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lecture 5: self-test

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practical skills - lecture 5

By the end of lecture 5 you should:

  • know how you can acquire an image using a digital camera, scanner, Clip Art, graphics package, image source site or any other means
  • be able to use Windows Explorer to check the size of your image in kilobytes
  • be able to use a graphics package to, at least, change the image into a suitable web format (.gif or .jpg) and, if necessary, alter its physical size in pixels
  • have incorporated some images on your pages using at least the <img> tag - also style sheet properties for backgrounds, if you've found an appropriate background image.

If you are unsure about any of these things, work on them until you are. Remember you can ask an ACOM demonstrator for help: that is what they are there for.

SORRY: automatic self-tests not currently online

test questions - lecture 5

Follow this link to see this lecture's multiple choice questions.