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The Tangentium


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ISSN number: 1746-4757


September 2003: IT Education and Democratic Practice

This month the Tangentium asks: what has the teaching of IT got to do with democracy? How do the ways in which information technology is taught in schools, in universities and to adults have political implications?

The feature essay, by Drew Whitworth, discusses this question in detail. The key terms involved here include the concept of democracy: much used, much abused, but rarely thought about in detail. We also need to consider the role and nature of information and communication in a democratic society. All of these will help us develop a better idea of what information technology actually is.

Important background information is supplied by Ricardo Blaug's essay, What's So Special About Democracy?. Other snippets are also provided on the two key areas of democracy and information technology. Finally there is the usual selection of reviewed links and offline resources on this theme.

As ever, please feel free to comment on this site; suggest new resources, comment on the texts, and anything else.