Week 4 Coursework Test

  1. Let p,q>1 satisfy 1p+1q=1 and fix a measure space (X,B,μ). Fix f in Lp(X,B,μ) and define ξf:Lq(X,B,μ)R by ξf(g)=fgdμ for all gLq(X,B,μ). Verify that ξf is well-defined and linear.
  2. Let μ be Lebesgue measure on R.
    1. If fL1(R,Bor(R),μ) must g(x)=xf(x) belong to L1(R,Bor(R),μ)?
    2. If f:RR is differentiable must f belong to L1(R,Bor(R),μ)?