4.3 Antiderivatives

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Our main method for calculating the Riemann integral rsg(t)dt is to find G:[r,s]R differentiable with G=g and apply the fundamental theorem of calculus to get rsg(t)dt=[G(t)]rs=G(s)G(r) easily. The difficult part is finding such a G.

In the previous section we defined the contour integral γf for γ a contour. In principle such contour integrals can be calculated as Riemann integrals, but finding antiderivatives may be too challenging in practice. Moreover, this course is not about calculating contour integrals using the tools of Riemann integration. It is about the interactions between contour integration, holomorphic functions and domains. As a first result in this direction, we introduce here antiderivatives in the complex setting and will see how the intricacies of domains in the complex plane make their existence relatively rare, in stark comparison with the real case.

Definition (Antiderivative)

Fix a domain DC and f:DC continuous. A holomorphic function F:DC is an antiderivative of f is F(z)=f(z) for all zD.


Fix a domain DC and f:DC continuous. If F:DC is an antiderivative of f then γf=F(γ(b))F(γ(a)) for every smooth path γ:[a,b]C in D.


Write f(γ(t))γ(t)=u(t)+iv(t) and F(γ(t))=U(t)+iV(t) as real and imaginary parts. From (F(γ(t))=F(γ(t))γ(t)=f(γ(t))γ(t) we obtain U(t)=u(t) and V(t)=v(t). Now γf=abf(γ(t))γ(t)dt=abu(t)dt+iabv(t)dt=[U(t)]ab+i[V(t)]ab=F(γ(b))F(γ(a)) as claimed.


Define f:CC by f(z)=z2 and let γ be any contour from 0 to 1+i. If we can find F:CC holomorphic with F(z)=z2 then γf=F(1+i)F(0) by the theorem. We can take F(z)=13z3 so that the integral is 13(1+3i3i)=23+i23.

Notice that the right-hand side only involves γ(a) and γ(b) and is therefore the same no matter the route from start to finish! If f has an antiderivative then its contour integrals only depend on the start and end points. This is called path independence. In particular, the following is true.


Fix a domain DC and f:DC continuous. If F:DC is an antiderivative of f and γ is any closed contour in D then γf=0.


If γ starts at wC then γf(z)dz=F(w)F(w)=0 by the theorem.

The hypothesis that f has an antiderivative is crucial, as the following example shows.


Define f:C{0}C by f(z)=1/z and γ:[0,2π]C by γ(t)=eit. Then γf=02πf(eit)ieitdt=02π1eitieitdt=2πi even though γ is a closed contour! It must therefore be the case that there is no holomorphic function F:C{0}C with F(z)=1/z!