

Wenhua Zhou

Supervisors: Christopher Yau, David Wong

Wenhua is developing approaches to overcome one of the major criticisms of deep neural networks for predictive modelling - poor out-of-distribution performance. His current work applies focused regularisation such that resulting models benefit from the flexibility of neural network models in the training data domain, but are similar to robust linear methods in areas with sparse training data.

Ya-Ting Yang

Supervisors: Tjeerd van Staa, Victoria Palin, David Wong

Ya-Ting is examining the relationship between long-term prescribing patterns and clinical outcomes in the UK. By using the large CPRD dataset, these results should be robust and generalisable for the UK population.

Kuan Liao

Supervisors: Sabine van der Veer, Matthew Sperrin, David Wong, Janelle Yorke, Corinne Finn, Mario Gomes

Kuan is investigating the use of Patient Reported Outcomes in adults with non-small cell lung cancer. He is currently conducting a scoping review to examine their prognostic value (for example, in predicting clinical outcomes)

Jo-Fan Pan

Supervisors: Dawn Dowding, David Wong

Yilun Jiang

Supervisors: Tjeerd van Staa, Victoria Palin, David Wong

Sara Summerton

Supervisors: David Wong, Gavin Brown

Franziska Gunther

Supervisors: David Wong, Christopher Yau, Sarah Ellison

Darcy Murphy

Supervisors: David Wong, Sabine van der Veer, Will Dixon


Who? Year PhD Where are they now?
Asma Abahussin 2021 A health informatics approach for recording pain and supporting effective pain management in cancer patients Assistant Professor of Health Informatics, King Saud University.
Valeria Fillipou 2021 An automated algorithmic approach for activity recognition and step detection in the presence of functional compromise Post-doctoral fellow (data science), The Cyprus Institute.
Khine Nwe (MSc) 2019 Correlation between functional classification and quantity of peer-reviewed evidence of mobile health applications Z-waka founder (, Forbes 30u30,2022
Stacey Hatton (MSc) 2018 Usability of the SEND early warning score system Chief Nursing Information Officer, Barnsley Hospital